When you hear someone pronounce GIF as 'JIF
When you hear someone pronounce GIF as 'JIF

When you hear someone pronounce GIF as 'JIF
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How do you pronounce gift?
Or girl or gill?
Even though I pronounce it "jif" too, I am tired of seeing arguments that rely on how other words are pronounced. You are not helping the cause, as these arguments are too easily countered. There are much more convincing arguments to be made, such as how "jif" is more practical since it can't be confused with "gift," and how the creator was making a reference to the word "jiffy."
That may be a perfectly reasonable argument, but also, YOU'RE WROOONG, GIF WILL NEVER BE JIF
Jraphics Interchange Format
Scuba = Self-Contained Oonderwater Breathing Apparatus
Blame english blame english blame english blame english blame english
I blame the people who put way too much stock in the stupid argument.
i dunno if a lot of people know this but there is a image extension file called JIF