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How do you start a car and move it with manual shift "the right way"?
  • Think about it this way: in the unlikely event that your parking brake fails while you're parked, which direction is gravity going to make the car roll? Park in the gear that opposes that roll. So if you're facing up an incline, park in first gear. If you're facing down, park in reverse. If you're on an absolutely flat surface, park in whichever you want.

    By the way, this isn't just a good idea for hills, but for uneven driveways or parking lots.

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    In a world where every person is free to share their opinion directly to a mass audience; do we really need pundits anymore?
  • From 1913 Webster's, to show how "far" we've come:

    Pun"dit (?), n. [Hind. pandit, Skr. pandita a learned man.] A learned man; a teacher; esp., a Brahman versed in the Sanskrit language, and in the science, laws, and religion of the Hindoos; in Cashmere, any clerk or native official. [Written also pandit.] [India]

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    Firefox rolls out Total Cookie Protection by default to all desktop users worldwide | It is Firefox’s strongest privacy protection to date, confining cookies to the site where they were created
  • That's great, but what's the update? The Lemmy cross-posts from two years ago have the same title.

    update: I read the post and the last paragraph talks about the full blocking of third-party cookies as a thing that's "starting in 2024" (future tense). So my best guess is it's that, but whatever the August 28th update was could have cleared all this up.

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    Saudi man earns world record for 444 game consoles hooked to one TV
  • You could probably chain some smaller HDMI switches together. Not sure what the practical limit would be or when lag would get noticable, though.

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    Saudi man earns world record for 444 game consoles hooked to one TV
  • Now, if you feel that the bare minimum is enough, then okay. But some people choose to play four-player Smash Bros. and we encourage that, okay? You do want to play four-player Smash, don't you?
