This is what fascism looks like
This is what fascism looks like

This is what fascism looks like
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You aint see nothing yet. Wait till the Trumps celebrates 20 years of absolute control over your country and then we'll talk. Americans chose fascism, explicitly.
No, of the people that voted, a slim majority voted for fascism. I think that is an important distinction that will have consequences.
"people that voted" is not a thing. you can't absolve the American people from this. 86 million people did not vote. in a two party system that's not a vote for neither; it's a vote for "I'm fine with both". so around 160 million people were A-OK with explicit fascism. that's a huge majority.
Not voting and being okay with it are not the same. Voter disenfranchisement is a real thing. There where bomb threats, people removed from voting rolls, and copious amounts of propaganda. These things do not happen in a vacuum.
I'm not including disenfranchisement. It's a big problem in the US, but it's not 86-million big. those who could vote and didn't are complicit.
If the disenfranchised and non-counted mail in votes were counted there’s a high likelihood Trump would have lost the upper mid-west states that gave him the win. Georgia would have possibly been too close to call if not for voter suppression.
You're mostly wrong. That was the cause of a minority of non voters. The vast majority simply didn't care to vote.
That's not what that means at all, but Ok.
yes it is.
we're holding a vote on whether to buy coke or pepsi for tonight's party of 40.
if only 5 people submit their preference, that means the 35 who saw the message but didn't bother responding are OK with either. they lose the right to complain at the party that they preferred the one that the 3-person "majority" didn't vote for.
False equivalency of the highest level. Only a child or an idiot would think a democratic vote and a preference for coke/pepsi are the same. smh
what a dumb way to say it's your first time encountering an analogy.
but I knew by your comments that whatever analogy i might use you'd try to weasel or if it by saying that's different.
i chose pepsi and coke deliberately actually for this reason. most people normally prefer coke. but for is also on the bds list now, so it is a political vote involving genocide. would you look at that.
I don't care what you think. We have fascism now and it's your family and friends' fault. Possibly also your fault. Fuck you.
I want to believe but I am forced to question the character of US citizens. I apologize if this offends and I would love to be proven wrong.
Why would I expect the "good people" in the US who "didn't vote for authoritarianism" to suddenly grow a spine and a social conscience if all the evidence for decades shows they can't even take political action to protect their school children? This is unfathomable for someone in another country where just one mass slaughter of innocents would unify an outraged nation into decisive action. I think even the "good guys" might be more broken than you realize. There is no greater call on any parent than to defend their own offspring. If they can't do that can they really be expected to defend the rights of others?
I hope for your sake you can all reclaim your humanity. It is never too late.
I'm guessing you don't know what it's like to lack representation. I've lived in a red state all my life. My social circle is made up entirely of progressive people that want nothing more than to see sensible gun control approaches that start with adequate mental health care. I worry everyday my kids go to school that I won't see them again. I really don't appreciate you suggesting that I am failing my children by not effectively changing the system I was born into. A system that has been captured by the wealthy and used to hobble the education and information those around me are exposed to in a systemativ approach to maintain, grow, and enforce control. If it's as easy as you seem to suggest, why would anyone live up under a dictatorship? Enjoy your soap box while I watch my country and the enviroment crumble around me, powerless to stop it thanks to the mass surveilance that surrounds us all everyday.
I do understand disenfranchisement a little, living in a rural electorate that has voted conservative, state and federal for over a century and the only vote I have that counts is a proportional one in our multi-party senate. Many people feel frustrated around the world at the moment, not least because of the impact US domestic politics is having on us all.
We have our own election coming up here and it might be all we can do to keep the Trump quisling to a minority government. We all have our problems.
I hope you can understand why I don't think the rest of the world can rely on the people of the USA to stand together against tyranny and why I don't have a lot of sympathy for posts asking for our understanding. The US couldn't commit collectively to action on an ongoing national tragedy that should unite everyone regardless of faith or politics. What could be a more pressing issue for a country than years of senseless massacres? It doesn't inspire confidence.
Your nation's collective justification for sacrificing all those kids was so you could have a well armed militia to defend democracy from tyranny or some such nonsense. How is that working out so far? Perhaps the US could have just saved the kids and been factually good people and then they wouldn't have needed to worry so much about tyranny and justifying their actions. What I am getting at is there is a bit of a reap what you sow theme going on and while I can empathise with individuals like yourself I can't collectively make sense of your country or your weird attitudes. How do you even give up on school massacres?
330 million people spread across 10 million square kilometers. Varying cultures and interests played against each other by the wealthy to divide us. Why do you think that no one cares or tries? Why do you think that all US citizens are eager for fascism? Were all the Germans excited for Hitler's rise to power? Do you not see the calls to action? The protests? If not, you can blame the media and those that control it. You can blame the major tech companies that monitor and seek to influence and control our lives. You say you must defend yourself from someone like Trump in your own country? Surely no one in your country would be inclined to support fascism?
You're asking for sympathy.
We're asking if there's a reason to think you'll bother to make the sacrifices necessary to end this insanity before it becomes total tyranny, war and conquest.
You gave us absolutely no reason to think you and other Americans have any intention of doing that. You instead reinforced the case against Americans as weak, completely incapable of taking care of this.
After reading what you have written I am even more certain in expecting Trump's men to be allowed to rise to full and unchecked power.
I expect most of you to do nothing about it, except weep.
My guess is we'll see you in 10-20 years, I'm sure it'll be terrible. I just hope we win again, I'm not sure we will.
But be sure that if the worst happens, you're not getting any fucking sympathy.
Glad to see you're in the fight against fascists on the side of the fascists.
You're entirely wrong in a completely predictable way. Good luck killing them with kindness, wimp.
By that metric Hitler was not voted into office either. It doesn't matter that not literally every single person in the country voted for him, what matters is that it was enough to a achieve power, and the opposing forces allowed it to happen.
A slim majority is still a majority. It was basically half your country that chose this, or even more if you consider those that didn’t vote were ok with this as well.
His kids will have to lead the parade, there’s no way that sentient Big Mac is going to last another 20 years.
Y'know, I used to agree on this, but in the era of deepfakes I half wonder if we'd have body-double Trumps leading the country for the next several decades. Like a stupider version of the "Putin Body Double" theory.
It's not like there isn't days and days worth of video and audio to train the AI on.
Americans chose fascism, explicitly.
They choose fascism every four years. But this is tacky fascism, which liberals can't stand.
There's a good and proper way to take over the courts. Trump has violated the norms. He's making liberal democracy look bad. Unforgivable.
Well you won, the liberals are owned. Now you have a pedophile dictatos and a nazi running your country. But man, you did show those libs!! Palestine is so god damn proud of you right now!!!!
Now you have a pedophile dictatos and a nazi running your country.
I'm old enough to remember Dennis Hastert (confirmed pedophile) as House Speaker and Dick Cheney (unapologetic fascist) running the Executive Branch.
Nevermind the litany of Klan members and Apartheidists littered through governor's offices and Senate seats straight through my childhood.
But they knew where the line was. They knew the Real Common Enemy was anti-colonialist insurgencies in Vietnam and Cuba and Iran and Chile. They knew how to work with the Clintons and Schumers and Pelosis to crush Radical Islamism and Fuck The CCP.
Now fascism is returning to the imperial core and liberals are terrified of being treated like an Iraqi or Haitian. Absolutely intolerable!
Trump's threatening to send white people to Gitmo!!! That's not supposed to happen!!!!
You are a pedo-fascist dude. A whiny privilege-ass average american little bitch. You're not half as smart as you think you are lol.
The entire world hates you. Palestine hates you. Your own country hates you. . The women hates you. Every single minorities group hates you. Russia and China laugh at you.
You are a pedo-fascist dude
Real Elon Musk energy on this post
I mean.... he's your president not mine lol.