Today: many Protests in Europe. Serbia, Hungary, Romania & Italy.
Today: many Protests in Europe. Serbia, Hungary, Romania & Italy.

Today: many Protests in Europe. Serbia, Hungary, Romania & Italy.
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I feel like we are all on the same side here? Perhaps not
I think so, but look at the protests in Serbia (or south Korea recently, or France every other month since the invention of the baguette), or basically any other country... and look at the pictures of protests in the US. The difference is remarkable.
Non Americans only viewing American politics from the lens of a democracy that cares about what the people say or think is surprising ignorant.
Sorry Americans don't want to suicide by cop or make their families homeless to make your feel better. Californians can't just take a week off work to trek to the capital to hold up a meaningless sign so you feel a little better. If our government was ever worried about a protest everyone would leave in a bodybag or to a black site. There is no chance of it accomplishing anything and your sheer ignorance of American geography is ironically very American.
And yet, look at any major city after a sports team win. The harsh truth is the protest turnout here in the states is pathetic. It's low to the point of being embarrassing. It's so low, that right wingers can use it as evidence of support for Trump; because clearly, if people were actually upset, there would be more than just a handful of people showing up and peacefully standing around.
Again, look at the streets after a sports team wins a game. Don't tell me people can't show up. Don't tell me people can't do more than hold signs. They do it all the fucking time because their group of guys moved a ball better than another group of guys.
The fact is, Americans don't protest because we've mostly become disillusioned and have given up. There hasn't been a single protest that accomplished anything since the Occupy Wall Street movement, and all that accomplished was getting media companies to circle the wagons and ensure they never, ever talk about class war again.
Any major city after sports win? I wasn't aware the whole US was Philadelphia. You literally only see what happens after major events where there's already a fuck ton of people not from that city ready to leave the stadium with nothing better going on. What an awful comparison.
Yes, any major city. You think people only fill the streets in Philly? Look at literally any city after they have a major football or baseball win. Streets are packed. There's not always violence, but good luck trying to drive through downtown that evening. And guess what? The people filling the streets AREN'T just from the stadium. People pour out of their homes, bars, EVERYWHERE. Using your Philly example, look at this crowd. You think those are all just people from the stadium? That was a Sunday night. It was cold out, those people had jobs they had to be at the next day, but it didn't matter because they felt it was "important" to be out there. And that's just the spur of the moment post-game celebration. The scheduled parade that Friday had over a million people show up. Over a million.
Now look at any picture or video from the recent "protests" and tell me it's not pathetic in comparison. And what happened in Philly is not the exception. Similar turnouts happen in any major US city following a Super Bowl win, most cities following a World Series win, and some cities following a Stanley Cup win. Its so expected, cops will pre-section off areas of the cities because they know people are going to be out on the streets not giving a fuck.
So yes, when the protests can't even muster up even 1% of the crowds that naturally occur after a fucking ball game, it can be safely called a depressingly low turnout.
Just look at the stadiums on Sundays. Full to capacity in every major city. Broadcast live for everyone to see. Forget about your lives we give you modern gladiators. Now rejoice and pay us money!
Those are great excuses. Enjoy trump.