Then share your citation. That’s a broad specious claim. There absolutely are some like that yes. But I have yet to see any studies showing anything remotely similar.
My citation for... the fact that people with the entire internet at their fingertips must, necessarily, choose right-wing sources in order to receive right-wing sources, and are not constrained by the availability of other sources, since the internet has a vast selection of sources to choose from, and right-wing media constraints a la cable or satellite don't play into it?
... are you being serious right now?
Again, citation for this?
90% by broadband subscription in 2021, 96% by usage in 2024
Which is why, if you’ll note. I never suggested that.
Right now many of these people are struggling with the biggest case of cognitive dissonance they’ve ever had. It’s the perfect time to strike. And plant the concept that they’re being lied to, by all their local broadcasters. The evidence is there, they’re seeing it. We could talk to them about it like adults.
I never claimed otherwise.
Or we could accuse them of things they aren’t doing.
I know for a fact that ridiculing those acknowledging the cognitive dissonance. Will 100% divide us and push them back into the arms of the propagandists.
Oh, cool, so what will asspatting those experiencing cognitive dissonance do?
Oh, it reminds them that there are no consequences for believing things that make them feel good? And it signals to others that there are no consequences to believing in things which make them feel good, no matter how terrible those things are?
But only to those average people who acknowledge a Divergence in what they were told and reality. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. And while this leopards/faces thing is silly and cathartic. It absolutely will not reach any of the reasonable still reachable ones. Of which there are plenty. Just making enemies of them all the more sure
You seem to think that, after a decade of open fascism, there are reachable ones left.
The fucking Cheneys are out of the cult. The Cheneys. The. Fucking. Cheneys. Romney and McCain (Rest in Peace/Piss) are RINOs to most in the party. There are literal golden idols set up to Trump.
The number of 'reachable' ones left are very small, and live in a fucking hole in the ground. And attempting to reach them by normalizing the vast majority of conservatives with polite discourse about how it's okay that they were wrong and they can still change will create more unreachable converts with normalization of fascism, far more than any number of the 5%> that you find who were really just ignorant, and not feigning ignorance to fit their ideological urges.