Genzedong get mad when people don't like the CCP
Genzedong get mad when people don't like the CCP

Genzedong get mad when people don't like the CCP
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Hell yeah we love dictatorships of the proletariat
proletariat homies hate china
The Maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
time for the next attempt?
China has a 90%~ home ownership rate with 80% being mortgage free. 70% of millenials in China are home owners.
Workers, home-owners and people of the world, unite!
More people owning their own homes is good actually
Wonderful houses they got over there. Tofu dreg houses are the best!
Shitty contractors happen. I've done remediation in affluent neighborhoods where the median home price was around 900k, almost every home was experiencing interior water damage in less than 5 years because the developer was looking at who had the cheapest bid and the stucco crews were paid by the square foot.
My dude, they showed city blocks of tofu dreg houses. That goes beyond "bad contractors"
My dude, the neighborhoods Im talking about encompassed a few hundred houses. I regularly tell customers to be really careful about buying homes built within the last couple decades because the chances of getting a McMansion that's glued and duct tapped together are high.
If you pay attention, you'll notice how many of these discussions will go like
"If you think China is a perfect utopia, then how do you explain that something bad happened there?"
"I don't think it's a utopia. Yeah that bad thing seems bad."
"So you accept that China is literally Mordor then?"
Are NEW Chinese buildings falling down? Idk here's a video from 5 years ago
love being a sponge brain-ed liberal who 1) just believes whatever YouTuber they like best and 2) doesn't even have the cognitive power to realize a shitty home is better than no home. Even in their worst fantasies, the Chinese government still provides for its people to a better degree than any government in the west, where people literally die on the fucking streets
Anyway i look forward to the mental rollercoaster you go on in the next few years as China continues to establish its dominance over the west as you try to pretend that 1) those evil orientals couldn't possibly build complex things like high speed rail or buildings that don't fall apart and 2) you're not an implicitly racist fuck for being prone to believing shit like that in the first place :^]
Did... Did you really just try to argue in favor of cardboard houses in danger of collapsing THREE years after they were built?
every home in china has collapsed twice since this video was posted. china will collapse any day now, I swear
I am generously assuming your propaganda for the purpose of this argument and just go with your orientalist view that the chinese can't figure out building shit based on some cracker's youtube spewing
I'd rather have a home that might collapse than no home at all like so many in other countries, yours included, with police who will literally beat me half to death for sleeping in the wrong place, who are in most places the primary instigators of homelessness as they throw people onto the streets at the behest of some petty landlord, while gleefully destroying their personal property in the process.
There was literally a video like yesterday of some american cops destroying people's shit only to stop to salute for the national anthem
But yeah it's the EVIL SEE SEE PEE PEE putting people in TOFU HOUSES against their will. The horror! What evil authoritarianism, so unlike MY country, one of the GOOD ONES. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Go back to reddit, lib
the way you mfs type is so dramatic lmao. D-d-did... did you seriously... Gasp! It cant be.. you didnt really just defend.. 😇 Shut the fuck up 😇this is not an AO3 goth furry rp youre a boring ass liberal commentator on a forum
this is not an AO3 goth furry rp
Well maybe... maybe it SHOULD be!
N... Nani!
Your understanding of Chinese infrastructure isn't rigorous if it's entirely based on some sensationalist viral videos of some places which look bad. Yeah, it's a massive country with a billion people, some of those places look bad in a video. I'm not happy about the bad construction you see there, nor the real estate speculation causing some of it (which isn't a communist feature).
You can find lots of videos of places in the US and Canada looking bad too, only it's like cops destroying the tents and property of unhoused people in the streets. But in response to those we might say "oh that's terrible, they should fix that" and not the "we gotta overthrow the authoritarian government" when it's about China.
My BOY how is that not better than sleeping on a piece of cardboard on the sidewalk??
Anyhow, what, is every single home in China a flimsy shack? Can you dredge up one single solitary study on what percentage of homes in China are of substandard construction? Can you do any goddamned thing but regurgitate half-remembered unsubstantiated talking points from youtube from lord knows how long ago?
If you can, have it. Give us a source and we'll have a talk about it. Otherwise, shut the FUCK up
You have never worked in construction here in the US have you? I am renting a modern house and the granite countertops are great but when it rains my electricity shorts out and frankly it is kinda terrifying.
It takes me twice as long as it should to do any work on the toilet in my place because the slumlord-ass bathroom i pay a billion dollars a month for is so narrow that I don't have room to properly turn a wrench.
Anyway, the Maoist uprising against th
Do they?
Would be pretty uncool not to want the proletariat there out of chains
The country where like over 90% approve of the government? The country where more proletariat actively engage in democracy than anywhere in the world? Hows that chains compared with anywhere else in the world?
Fluffy pink chains are still chains
"What do you mean you are repressed, we already allow you to be middle class" — capitalists somewhere probably
Middle class isn't a thing but go off
Sure, the largest democracy in the world and most successful AES state ever is bad for the proletariat because you and the US State Department say so
Hell. Everywhere is bad for the proletariat
But you attack a place that is moving to full socislism by 2050 as if its worse than other places
"Do they really believe this?"
"Well uhh they should"
It really never gives you pause to argue identically to neoliberal slime, does it?
We homies don't argue. Don't try capitalist culture war label tricks here
There's a time and place for debates elsewhere when participants consent. Meme post threads? Nah fam
I know you're just doing verbal diarrhea, but framing it as a "capitalist trick" when yours is the side with neoliberals is, uh, something. I'm not saying you should argue with them, no need to bother imo, I'm saying you should consider where your shitty ideology has gotten you that it puts you on the same side as the overwhelming neoliberal consensus. I forget what boutique brand of socialist you pretend to be but, whatever it is, it is the epitome of anarcho-bidenism when it leads you to side with neoliberals against "tankies".
And here everyone can see the trick in detail, thank you for the imaginative example
You tell him Jack
Can't fool us with their capitalist tricks
Love you but that's a rude picture to use against him AND he already tried to call biden on others
C'mon man! You've got nothing to lose but... you know... the thing
You learned to talk like us and that's the full extent of it. We're not "homies" lol - my first and only impression of you is a shady internet chameleon who tries to trick people into ancient recycled neoliberal beliefs but from a "new perspective" we've also heard before. I can tell what you might look/sound like in person, sure, but you give us no reasons to get along