Approximately happy ending
Approximately happy ending

Approximately happy ending
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This is pretty much the plot of Lost.
If you're implying they were dead the whole time, they were not.
That would have been so much better. Not good. But so much better.
Spoiler for the movie Gravity:
In Gravity, George Clooney's character wasn't her husband and it was he who drifted away. But other than that, it's a pretty common interpretation that this is the same thing that happened to Sandra Bullock's character. That she died and the ending on Earth was her already being dead. This comic is basically a summary of the movie.
That's the only way any of the physics in that movie make sense.
LOL they were so proud of the physics, even had Tyson do his whole "Im the smartest person in any room" shtick at the time on the movie.
I really like the science in The Martian, even if it was a bit generous with the best possible outcome each time and forgot about the dangers of martian soil toxicity.
Sunshine was also pretty good!
Wait, what? Bullock's character is actually dead in Gravity? I've been watching that movie way too literally. Kinda messes with her character's arc though, if she karks it halfway through.
Well, the last season of a 6 season show.