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  • Oh I was gonna call out All Summer in a Day cause holy fuck Ray Bradbury has some issues with kids..

    I mean he is right too but damn those stories stick with you. And also did that and basically all the ones you pointed out as a "gifted class". Do you think they literally had just 1 syllabus for us weird kids for the whole nation to try and scare us back into line or what? Cause, seems like we all getting traumatized by stories of death and emotional torture at like 11 by the same stories.

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    Anon is an example
  • Yeah, I find straight up abandoning your shit family is a not completely bad idea.

    You'd be surprised at the jobs out there that simply let you get on a train or a boat and simply leave it all behind if you want to.

    Just please then don't jump off the back of my boat. The point is that it might be lonelier than guaranteed family but ocean is a bad way to go.

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    OpenAI is reportedly going all-in as a for-profit company
  • Yeah, the people leading the "AGI will save us" are the same as super church pastors.
    They don't believe it, they just want their bank account limitless before they go into oblivion.

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    The dark arts
  • Right but also people rarely expect constant 100% eye contact. The occasional glance to show connection is actually more than enough for basically everyone and can be learned to done pretty easily. Its not needed but even the simple glance of eye contact makes people feel way more seen and heard.
    Then you can just talk past each other the rest of the time as is standard.

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    The dark arts
  • Its never been easier to be lazy and unplanning about things and use other peoples time to try and cure your own boredom.

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    The dark arts
  • Yeah I guess we mocked those Bluetooth earpieces too much because now I wish everyone had one cause I'm so tired of people holding their phone 4 feet from their face at max volume yelling their conversation.

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    The dark arts
  • Some do some don't. I love to play the mash buttons and hope for a real person game but more often lately it just ignores you or says that isn't an input and keeps you locked in the automated, cause their just isn't a person on the other side being paid to actually pick up a phone.

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    The dark arts
  • Yeah I can do this. And am not even 30 yet.

    It would probably help if phone calls still really existed as a method of getting stuff done but the amount of places not bothering / having automated / foreign staff for their call centers makes them basically pointless and a completely different skill set compared to old school charisma and phone etiquette.

    Patience and stubbornness to deal with the bullshit and still keep the effort applied will win.

    Not some skill that feels nostalgic and forgotten like phone calls or cursive will save you from the onslaught of time.

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    Ragrets rule
  • Well I I imagine the rest of us think it's pretty self explanatory.

    What don't you get about tattooing the name of a Brand and politician and an arbitrary year on your face, while playing iSpy with your social media posts?

    Wait.... No... I said it out loud.. Nah, include me in confused.

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    The cycle continues [beetlemoses]
  • half the time of the monkeys

    So are we saying the Lemurs are smarter or dumber for bring back the humans in that amount of time?

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    Japan to criminalise cannabis use
  • Hmm... Is that true? It's not like smoking bans are actually all encompassing its still mostly local precident and business decisions.
    I am not sure I have seen someone smoke weed where they couldn't smoke a cigarette, or where banned a cigarette smoker might illegally light up anyways, other than vapes which are still also in high contention and not exactly banned.

    I think you just have a stigma and an axe to grind that specifically singles them out because of a internal problem you have.

    Anyways, good luck with that.

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    What's your radical opinion?
  • Its so fricking hard to find the trustworthy brands.

    I'm honestly just so willing to not have any brand loyalty and to suffer with making a bad pick that I have to return or fix myself, I constantly having to re-find what is considered actually good quality.

    The answer is a lot of name brand in the higher price range but not so high that it's just for padding a contractor's quote and percent take home is still good quality. And you can never go for the same model twice if the company is doing constant refreshes cause those are with cheaper components every time. (Allowance for first refresh fixing a flaw)

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    What's your radical opinion?
  • Yeah but name brands mean you buy it once and it doesn't fail as often, is the argument for that I get from those of that generation.

    And I mean I get it. Buy a cheap pair of shoes or a good pair and you will realize you will go through 3 of the cheap pairs at half price compared to buying 1 good pair.

    Though less so with each passing year since name brands are designed to fail now too.

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    To help you decide on your next daily driver
  • Sharper angles from the trucks. Look at the 16 Wheeler truck cabin for an extreme version of it, high up viewpoint and a large front means larger section in front of you is obscured, vs the lower to the ground but gentler angle down of the tank making it slow to see the grounds you can see shorter objects for longer.

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  • OK but I think it actually might be interesting to see the difference.

    That top tier model got you:

    • WiFi
    • a hard drive 3x bigger than the standard
    • every type of card reader
    • full backwards compatibility with previous console games
    • bluray and CD player for home entertainment console use

    Now granted that last part is true for the cheaper model PS3 too.

    For the PS5 pro upgrade you get

    • the same amount of RAM
    • slightly better performing GPU under theoretical max use cases using updated hardware but not new
    • a removed disk drive for less functionality
    • 2x times hard drive space when storage costs are at a historical low.

    The extra money used to get you more functionality. This refresh seems like more for number fetishists to scrape more dopamine from the bottom of the barrel and get ripped off apple style to dish out more for basic features.

    Yes they have charged a lot but this is not exactly a great sign of "see how they have always done this?"

    Edit: also wages haven't dramatically shifted since the PS3 launch so while inflation has ruined purchasing power to make it cost equivalent of $950, work hours needed to work to afford $600 is still the same thus making this new console still quite more costly. Its just you could buy more with same hours of work in the past.

  • Yeah... This is half a packet of seeds and they are literally hopping from the fence to tree branches literally a couple feet away.

    I swear it said it was a bush type too and this is more forest.


    Well the branch holding my bell peppers fell off entirely from the weight.... So guess it's fajita night.

    I honestly have so many Serranos and jalapenos but am the only one that loves spice so.... On the plant they stay for another days nachos.

    And yes I know that is a leek but my onions aren't ready and it's a kitchen scrap garden. So using what I got.


    Most conservative pundits out there seem to all talk about how they wanted to do something specific with their life but it didn't work out. They like to blame the current systems and government for not doing enough to make them famous or popular or cool with the youth.

    They then convince a bunch of people who are also unhappy but could have a lot of their issues with lack of time and resources fixed with money, that if they are unhappy while having money dumped in their lap than these normal people will be unhappy with it too. Hoping they fix some arbitrary reason they aren't more famous.


    So, what's the general feeling on those plastic popup greenhouses?

    After a particularly rough month with my plants I am considering getting a popup style plastic greenhouse for my plants.

    I am kinda hoping that it would help to keep the moisture up and the shade up since a like half dozen of my peppers just got sunrot.

    I have noticed my plants under my bug netting do better and my pepper plant in the ground under it doesn't have sunrot. I think it would also let me keep my pots longer in fall since in in zone 7 and cold snaps happen.

    So.... Any thoughts? Tips? Etc?


    I rent in an urban area and was given a backyard full of 6 foot tall weeds. Over the winter I managed to somewhat reduce their numbers and have been fighting them down since but also I didn't really have any money for gardening so I just went with direct inground with a bag of miracle grow for fertilizer and some cheap mulch for bedding.

    Pretty much a scraps garden. I have green onions and regular onions, garlic cloves that sprouted, bell pepper and jalapenos, a potato plant, 2 basil and 3 Thai basil, a daikon scrap I'm letting flower I hopes of seeds I can plant next year, and all my beans and peas on the fence over there.

    I also planted a blueberry bush that I realized I really should have kept in a pot cause I realized how long that thing is gonna grow for.

    I also threw potatoes under the bush in the far back that is doing pretty good and a strawberry I won't ever be able to eat the fruit from because the critters get up earlier in the morning than me.


    So, I have always wanted to do multi filament printing. The thought of doing multicolor or washable supports has been such a cool idea and I tried to make that a reality all the way back when I bought my Geeetech A10M... And oh boy did I hate it. (Don't do single extruder multi filament kids, it ain't worth the headache.)

    So, with only my trusty prusa mk2 at my side I'm thinking of finally getting an IDEX machine and trying again right this time. Then I looked at the price of the Prusa XL and died a little.

    So, this is where I am gonna ask for some help. I saw that Flashgorge is selling their Creator Pro 2 for only $400 and with a cheap upgrade for a magnetic plate seems like it would be an awesome deal even if it's a bit small of a build size.

    Or I could go 3rd party and get the JGMaker Artist D Pro IDEX 3D Printer (which I have never heard of) for the same price but with a heck of a lot more build space.

    Or I could swallow my pride and a shit ton of credit card payments and do just the 2 head semi-built prusa XL for 3x the cost.

    So essentially has anyone tried the Flashforge Creator Pro 2 and thinks it would be worth it for basically half off? Have 3rd party Chinese brands gotten more trustworthy and actually able to print decent at these insanely low prices? Or is it still one of those you pay for what you get and if you want good multi filament printing you have to pay for it?


    If he can't win then none of us should! ...Wait

    I mean come on! Like, sure ok then, please go on ahead.
