Please explain to me how voting to support gay marriage, while not forcing people to go against their religious beliefs is right wing?
I’m of the opinion that the government shouldn’t be allowed to force people to do anything, and they shouldn’t be able to deny people from doing anything that doesn’t harm or impact anyone else.
I totally support trans rights, because the government shouldn’t be able to decide what you do with your own body.
I support abortion for any reason, because you shouldn’t be forced to raise a child if you aren’t 100% prepared to.
I think all teenagers should have access to puberty blockers if they desire, because it’s not the government’s business. If they’re concerned about teenagers not being mature enough to decide to transition, you should at least set them up with the tools necessary to make that decision further down the line.
All doctors should be forced to provide the appropriate medical attention for trans people, regardless of their beliefs, because healthcare is 100% necessary for everyone and should have no biases or politics.
But marriage ceremonies don’t need to be performed by devout catholics/christians/whatever.
There can be marriage ceremonies held by atheists, agnostics, or people of any religion. So there’s no need to force overly religious people who disagree with it into performing the ceremonies.
You’re forcing them to give up their beliefs (however stupid they may be) when it isn’t necessary.