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What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • It’s fucking discriminatory in my opinion and it has always made me uncomfortable filling out the blood donation paperwork.

    We can reliably screen for HIV (all blood donations are) why the fuck are homosexuals discriminated against over this.

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    I'm starting to get grey hairs already
  • Skibidi is indeed a fun word to say.

    I look forward to making the younger generation cringe as I twist their own slang against them and shoe horn it into contexts not in any way originally skibidi’ed.

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    Everything ok?
  • And yet so many people still walk around with enormous entitlement.

    What the hell Kyle, you work a minimum wage retail job, drive a shitbox and live with your parents. You don’t get to act all ‘I’m so cool I don’t have time to care about you’ you haven’t done shit.

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    Coleoptera 4 ever
  • Yeah I don’t know about the veracity of the statement ‘all cancer is toxin exposure’ you got a source to back that claim up?

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    If you haven't read "the count of Monte Cristo", do it now
  • Spoilers below so don’t read if you haven’t read a book published 180 years ago

    It is the greatest story of vengeance ever written.

    Not revenge, vengeance.

    The book is bat shit wild. There are parts where you will remember after you finished and think ‘was that a fever dream?’

    There was a cross dressing lesbian couple or did I imagine that?

    Did he really just burn down the whole house?

    How did he survive the poisoning?

    Who is that bandit again?

    What was buried in the yard?

    So many tangential story lines that culminate in an amazing climax.

    So many moments that are little vignettes which explain pivotal moments in the characters.

    The crazy Abbes relief when Dantes believes him.

    The live fish being delivered in barrels

    The fact no one escapes the Counts wrath.

    Wait and Hope Baby. Wait and hope.

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    How to choose mutual funds to invest in
    • Low cost
    • Broad base
    • Index fund

    The only three things you need to know about index investing.

    The largest cost factor you can control is costs so if you want to improve your selection look for funds that have very low fees (I.e. <1%)

    This fund will literally beat the vast majority of actively managed funds over 10 years.

    Don’t believe me though, just read ‘The Bet’ section in the 2016 Berkshire Hathaway letter to shareholders.

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    A Minecraft Movie | Teaser
  • I’m not going to pay to see it but if the choice of the song magical mystery tour sets up the tone of the movie it could be a bit of fun.

    Pretty sure kids will like it.

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    "What is a woman?"
  • I respectfully disagree.

    To me the abolition of gender would be amazingly freeing.

    It wouldn’t matter if I chose to wear a dress to work or a suit.

    It wouldn’t matter if I chose the pink shirt over the blue shirt.

    It wouldn’t matter if I wore makeup and nail polish and be a construction worker.

    Yes, I could do all of those things right now, nothing stops me rather than the feeling of being judged by others, hence the ‘external validation’ of gender.

    None of those things above are inherently feminine or masculine but a lot of us are taught that they are and judge others on those ‘rules’.

    For me, it is hard to fathom how someone who experiences so much suffering from gender dysphoria can then reenforce that same gender expression in society. To me, I’d just rather kids growing up who wear whatever clothes and behave how ever they want to (within reason).

    If all people didn’t perceive certain clothes, behaviours and ideas as feminine or masculine then people would just be people.

    I won’t hope to imagine your own internal thoughts but I am curious, if you weren’t taught what a ‘woman’ is and what a ‘man’ is do you still think you would have experienced gender dysmorphia?

    Also, as far as I know body dysmorphia is different to gender dysmorphia. I.e. I can identify as a man but still want to keep my vagina.

    I’m also not claiming you wouldn’t have still had body dysmorphia even if gender was abolished.

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  • Best you can hope for on bumble is a ‘hey’ from the woman.

    That’s all they ever need to say, because again, it’s stacked heavily in favour of women so when they send 100 ‘hey 👋🏼’ messages they get 95 replies that have to carry the entire conversation. It sucks but that’s the reality.

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    "What is a woman?"
  • Without external validation I’m not sure we can have gender.

    Don’t get me wrong here btw, I’m not conservative on this issue, I’m a gender abolitionist.

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  • PSA: If you’re a guy on a dating site and you reply with just “hey” or something similar to a lady then you’ve fucked up.

    You get one shot at a semi-witty reply that may get her to smile before your reply is buried under 100 other guys also vying for her attention.

    Just quickly read her profile and make some kind of riff off of it with an open ended question.

    “Hey blahblah I saw you liked The Office, I’m more of a fan of working from home myself.

    Also, why’s everyone seem to be looking for Jim? Who’s that guy?”

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    "What is a woman?"
  • I’d quibble slightly and argue that there’s a strong case that gender is also performative so if society generally deems you a woman, you’re also a woman.

  • On the other place I constantly saw memes of shows that I thought ‘well if they’re that popular they must be pretty good’

    Shows like:

    Avatar, The Office, Parks and Rec and IT Crowd

    I’ve watched them and I just don’t get it. They aren’t so amazing that they are worth that level of adoration IMO. Avatar has its good spots and Parks and Rec is pretty enjoyable but I cringe at American office and IT crowd is forgettable.

    However a show I actually really like, Community, only started getting the same type of treatment after the pandemic because people watched it on Netflix. Although it’s still not as popular as these others. Are people just really basic or am I out of touch?

    Anyway, what show did you watch and think ‘I don’t get what the fuss is about’? Maybe it was Community?
