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Instance policy update: Votes are in and Xitter links are now banned on this instance

Ahoy mateys!

We are closing the voting on this topic a couple of days early as the result is already conclusive., Our threshold for passing the motion was for 2/3 of voting members in favor. We have far exceeded that threshold (see below) and have a good number of overall responses, so the proposed policy change has now been approved and takes effect immediately.

Our new policy on Xitter links

  1. No Xitter links are to be posted on this instance from the date of this announcement.
  2. Workarounds such as link shorteners and alternative front-ends that resolve to Xitter posts are also banned.
  3. Screenshots will still be permitted as per the overwhelming number of comments in support of this option.
  4. Exception: In rare cases there may be a need to verify the veracity of a Xitter post. If this need arises, then you may post a or version of the link. Please note this option should only be used sparingly and exclusively for fact-checking purposes.

We will begin communicating this instance policy change to all our users today.

Please try to be helpful to anyone who accidentally posts a Xitter link who may not yet be aware of the policy change, and/or feel free to report in the usual way.

N.B.: For the loopholers - by "Xitter links" we mean any links to content hosted on X (formerly Twitter). Alternative Xitter front-ends are also banned under this policy, unless exception #4 applies. Edit: The ban also applies to other Xitter-owned domains such as their photo blobstore (pbs) domain at

Thanks to everyone involved for participating in the vote!

**The final tally is as follows: **

  • For:
  • Against:
  • Local Community: +2.6
  • Outsider sentiment: Very Positive
  • Total: +22.6
  • Percentage: 100.00%

To break this down a little differently:

  • Home instance users voted 93% in favor of the proposal (284/307)
  • External instance users voted 97% in favor of the proposal (70/72 note: these are not counted, but good to know)
  • Donating and vouched for users voted 100% in favor of the proposal (20/20 votes).

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  • Out of curiosity, what was the sentiment for those who voted against? Or did they not comment?

    • I think they could be summarized as:

      • Opposition to any form of censorship and/or concerns about "slippery slope" of banning Xitter links - i.e., what about Meta links?
      • It's important to be able to post newsworthy tweets in order to hold them to account and have a record.
      • Concerns about fact-checking - i.e., how can we check veracity of Twitter links if all we have is screenshots?
      • Some folks wanted to ban all Xitter links, including screen shots and xcancel links, for a complete blackout.

      We've tried our best to address those concerns in the policy above, which is a bit of a compromise position that tries to take as many of these concerns into account as we reasonably could. But of course some are mutually exclusive positions, so it's not going to satisfy 100% of users.

      • Thanks for the summary. I think the rules you listed above capture all but the first.

        I mean, the first is a whataboutism so I wouldn't even consider it. I would have said, "Fine... we'll discuss meta next but we're discussing Twitter NOW. If you are objecting because we aren't including Meta, then you're not debating in good faith."

    • The only people I saw saying no seemed to be saying it because "you should always link to the source so people can find it", which was rightfully called out for being incredibly silly given we're talking about tweets here

      • So I'm going to put on my "devil's advocate" hat on for a sec, because there is a nuance here that's worth addressing.

        I absolutely hate how politicians and governments use a third party, commercial social media platform to discuss and even announce policies. But it's where we are. So if shit for brains Madam President Trump makes some sort of shitty announcement on Twitter, I would agree a source is needed and, I would go so far as to say an actual twitter URL source, only because a third, third party (even as currently allowed) could manipulate or even change a tweet. I'm not saying they would, but having the direct unimpeachable source would be necessary.

        Given the fact that tweets can't be viewed without an account, xcancel is a good compromise that can then be drilled down to its original source if needed.

        Now, putting my devil's advocate hat off, it's a silly argument to vote against. I presume that the rules would allow you to post the URL in a comment or a post body, and only prohibits using a twitter URL as the source.

    • I'm against because I think it's just censorship. Funny how when it was twitter, no one had problems. But Musk bought it and now it's a problem.

      My experience is that there is no fucking difference between how it was and how it is now. Lemmy just hates Musk.

      Having said that, I'm not really passionate about it either way. And as long as screen shots can still be shown, I'm cool.

      But guys, you're not even making a dent in Musk's money hoard by avoiding linking to it. lmao

      And hey, it's this instance. And it was voted on, so I can totally accept it. I'd much rather it be a vote than some power-hungry guy just making the decision. :)

    • I was against it because I wanted to do screenshots or alternative front ends for any twitter links. You should also be able to provide an original source for a tweet, like an archive link. I didn't comment because I knew my opinion/vote on this didn't matter. Not only do the majority hate twitter (with little interest in fact-checking tweets), but I also don't donate and saw that my 1 non-donation vote equates to nothing in the comments of that thread. Now the only thing users can do is screenshots, which is pretty disappointing. This and another big mod reason is making me so disillusioned with this instance.