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Meme: Amphibian creature labelled "Spotify" emerging from a body of water, but being pushed back. Captions read: "Stop them! Don't let a single company rule them all. If you see a Horrid Beast monopolizing, push it back in."

In the context of the bans on ! and !, can someone explain why some LW mods refuse to admit that the USA are Israel's military providers?
  • That's a pretty good summation, imo. Democrats really don't want to hear anything about the ethics of sending US arms to Israel while it conducts a genocide right now. Their mentality is something like, "let's get Kamala elected, and don't point to any negatives until afterwards". But the fact is, once Harris is elected (if she wins), she will have very little incentive to change her policy on this issue. This small pre-election window is really the only opportunity available for leftists to campaign for her to change her stance. The activists still "harping on" about this issue recognize that and are doing their best to put pressure on her campaign. Arguably, they are running an ethically principled campaign, assuming their motives are good (i.e., stop the genocide). I get the whole "lesser of two evils" concept and have some sympathy for it, but I also understand why this single important issue is a complete dealbreaker for many leftists.

    Having said all that, your disclaimer note about Linkerbaan's checks out. They are problematic because they do repeat a lot of Russian disinfo talking points, and in classic tankie fashion don't seem to have any issues with Russia's invasion of Ukraine while at the same time condemning US support of Israel's genocide. Personally, I feel that a principled person should be against genocide and war crimes no matter who is conducting them, otherwise they are just a partisan propagandist. But it seems most MLs on lemmy just can't bring themselves to level any sort of criticism against Russia, China, North Korea or Iran (to name a few), even when it is entirely justified, because of their "critical support" groupthink towards any anti-US/anti-Western state.

    If any poster seems to be totally ignoring or justifying genocide and war crimes committed by AES countries, but campaigning relentlessly against "US funded genocide" then personally I think it's justified to ban them as they are clearly engaging in partisan propaganda. While it's hard to know 100% for sure what linkerbaan's true motivations are, I'd agree there are a number of red flags in their post history.

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    Are there any decent UK-centric torrent sites? For both films and TV
  • Ah sorry man, I didn't check it out too thoroughly.

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    Unsealed FBI doc exposes terrifying depth of Russian disinfo scheme
  • A bit of self-promotion here, but check out ! if you want to stay up to date on recent disinformation campaigns. It's obviously not going to solve the problem, but it's one more tool to help identify and fight the disinfo peddlers.

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    What is the best service to host a piracy resources list?
  • You can optionally create and maintain your own list on our hosted wiki. Any dbzer0 user can access the wiki to create/edit pages.

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    Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • Wait until you hear about the semi-autonomous killer drone swarms, designed to prevent signal jamming (by not needing an operator).

  • NSFW
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ok, I suppose it's best to err on the side of caution.

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    Freetube is the best way to watch YouTube
  • I don't think there's currently a way to automatically sync watch history across devices, but I'd love to be wrong about that tbh, because it would be handy.

  • NSFW
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hi OP, how come this is tagged NSFW?

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    Freetube is the best way to watch YouTube
  • For me it's not just about ads, it's also about surveillance. With FreeTube you can have subscriptions without needing a linked YouTube account, and all the subscription/watch history data is stored locally. So, it's a good opt-out of Google/YouTube surveillance. And you can import/export subscriptions if you need to transfer to another device. I happen to use FreeTube for this because it is frequently updated and I like the setup, but other options exist - I'm not really promoting this option over other options, just raising some awareness about it.

  • Freetube is the best way to watch YouTube

    Customize YouTube to work exactly the way you want it to.

    I'm not sure it's the "best" way, but it's a solid alternative, and receives rapid updates when YouTube moves to break things.

    cross-posted from:

    > I'm using this all the time myself. There is no login to YouTube required and it supports adding subscriptions and doing everything important you can do on YouTube. > > And the best part is no ads whatsoever.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • That's a good suggestion, I just haven't had the motivation to get that setup yet since Usenet currently meets my needs. But I'm sure it would work, yes.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Getting into the weeds a bit here lol. I do use a VPN on my personal PC, but on the media server where I have my *arr stack, I've found that using a VPN, even with split tunneling configured, allows certain TV websites to detect I'm using a VPN and block streaming content. If I wasn't using a DNS proxy, or if I ran the stack on a separate server, it probably wouldn't be an issue, but I'm not so it is :p. I'll add that if I am using only Usenet then I prefer not to run a VPN since it's reasonably safe IMO to raw dog that content, since a VPN always has some overhead involved in terms of bandwidth and latency.

  • Clinton should never have walked back the whole "basket of deplorables" angle IMO :p

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah, you can integrate torrents into the stack, afaik. But due to some technical considerations I don't like to run a VPN on my media server, and in my country you definitely need one for torrents.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think it's a bit unfair too, buddy. Usenet with the *arr stack and Jellyfin is such a great experience with all that automation, once you've got it all setup. Mine's setup to preference H265 and 5.1 channel audio, and specific resolution/quality. I mean, yeah you can access much the same content completely for free using torrents instead, but it feels like going back to the steam age now to do it all manually.

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    Abolish capitalism
  • MLs have been predicting the "inevitable" collapse of capitalism for a century now. When can we expect some progress? :p

    You can’t get change just by getting people to agree with you, otherwise America would have Ranked Choice Voting, Medicare for All, free public College education, and legalized weed and abortion nationwide.

    I think this is great point. In spite of majority public support for issues like these, it's seemingly impossible to get either party to take action. That's not how healthy democracies are supposed to work. I'd probably agree that public support is a pre-requisite for change, but it's not always sufficient. If the public want something and the government don't agree (say, over suspending arms shipments to Israel), what can the public actually do about it? Really nothing, other than disruptive protests or taking direct action to physically stop the shipments. And then it's obvious what would happen to the protestors.

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    Don't believe what you read. Fmovies is absolutely fine.
  • IMO it's a good idea to use a VPN when accessing any pirated content, as a general rule. While there are exceptions (e.g. usenet, specific countries with piracy-friendly laws/enforcement) and it's arguably unlikely end-users of pirated streams would be prosecuted, why take the risk? It's cheap insurance and there are few downsides. In some countries ISPs will act on reported piracy at your IP address and you could have your internet cut off or suspended, and/or be fined. So, better safe than sorry.

  • Jump
    Don't believe what you read. Fmovies is absolutely fine.
  • PSA: make sure you use a VPN and a good adblocker like ublock origin before visiting any of the listed links. We have not verified whether these are legitimate fmovie mirrors or scammy clone sites.

  • The inevitability of bombing and calls for ‘total liquidation’ of Ukraine - EUvsDisinfo

    August has been a particularly busy and bloody month in Russia’s war, and not only on the battlefield.

    Russian state TV saying the quiet part out loud - if they can't vassalize Ukraine, they want to "liquidate" it.

    cross-posted from:

    ># A war of annihilation > >It is firmly stated by leading Russian voices that the war is holy, against not only Ukraine but also the West, and a matter of the survival of the Russian state, as Kremlin pundits have suggested for some time. The wanton destruction in Ukraine of infrastructure, power stations, dams, harbours, grain storage facilities etc. is clearly intended to break the spirit of Ukrainians and bring civil life to a standstill especially during the coming winter. > >By summer 2024, the war had moved further into a campaign of annihilation of all that is Ukrainian; the Ukrainian state, culture, identity, and anything which defines it as a nation or state. > >Now, supposedly, ‘the only solution is the total liquidation of Ukraine’. > >This blunt assessment is not ours. It is the key message in leading, Russian state-controlled outlets, like the main TV channels, or the RT-Sputnik network, reaching global audiences and indicating the political direction. > >It expands on Putin’s erroneous claim from July 2021 that Ukraine is an artificial creation. But there is a considerable distance from Putin’s semi-philosophical, yet ridiculous, concept that Ukraine should in theory not exist, to loud and clear calls for the liquidation of all that is Ukrainian. A precise quote from Sputnik illuminates this imperialist, revisionist position. > >>“Стратегически может быть достигнуто одно – единственное решение, связанное с Украиной, это полная ее ликвидация как самостоятельной структуры” > >Our translation into English: > >>“Strategically, one thing can be achieved – the only solution related to Ukraine is its complete liquidation as an independent entity” > >The words came from the Russian parliamentary deputy, political advisor Anatoly Wasserman. He may not be the most prominent speaker, but his words and similar calls by others are condoned and promoted. Having less prominent speakers push the boundaries of mainstream communication and perceptions is a Kremlin tactic we have already documented. > >Don’t be deceived.

    But it might hurt the economy
  • Yeah totally agree, it's more of a shitty excuse politicians use. The reality is that it will impact the profits of the oil, gas and coal industries, but the economy as a whole will be much better in the long run once we are less dependent on fossil fuels. It's such a short sighted outlook.

  • Sweden warns of heightened risk of Russian sabotage

    Weapons facilities targeted as security companies report more sabotage attempts, espionage and cyber-attacks

    >Swedish authorities have warned of a heightened risk of Russian sabotage, in particular of weapons facilities, as the defence industry said it was being increasingly targeted. > >Security companies in Sweden reported a rise in sabotage attempts, including using drones over defence company facilities to document and map them, “more aggressive” espionage, cyber-attacks and misinformation.


    The Anarchist Library is a great archive of free books and essays on the topic of Anarchism. Some newer books won't be available there due to copyright (thanks Capitalism! /s).

    Here's some recommendations to get you started:

    \*Dear mod: I don't think there's any copyright concerns with the linked texts, but if there is I'll remove the direct links. I only added them because the search function on the archiveis a bit borked, so it can be hard to find what you're looking for.


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    > wish I was better at making interesting titles


    The Babylon Bee almost makes a good joke

    cross-posted from: >The headline is poorly written and awkward, but the core idea is actually kind of funny.

    10 INFO TF1/LCI : le fondateur et PDG de la messagerie Telegram interpellé en France | TF1 INFO

    [VIDÉO] Selon nos informations, le fondateur et PDG de la messagerie sécurisée Telegram a été interpellé ce samedi soir à l'aéroport du Bourget. Pavel Durov, franco-russe de 39 ans, était accompagné de son garde du corps et d'une femme. - INFO TF1/LCI : le fondateur et PDG de la messagerie Telegram ...

    Some significant news for Telegram users!

    See this article for some interesting backstory context on Pavel Durov and Telegram:

    Since the post article is in French, here's an auto-translation:

    >Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the encrypted messaging service Telegram, was arrested around 8 p.m. on Saturday evening as he got off his private jet on the tarmac of Le Bourget airport. The 39-year-old Franco-Russian was accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman. > >The arrest was carried out by the gendarmes of the GTA (Air Transport Gendarmerie). Registered in the RPF (wanted persons file), Pavel Durov came straight from Azerbaijan. He had over his head a French search warrant issued by the OFMIN of the National Directorate of the French Judicial Police, issued on the basis of a preliminary investigation. > >Why was he under threat of a search warrant? > >The Justice considers that the lack of moderation, cooperation with the police and the tools offered by Telegram (disposable number, cryptocurrencies, etc.) makes it complicit in drug trafficking, paedophile offences and fraud. > >This search warrant ran if, and only if, Pavel Durov was on national territory. "He made a mistake tonight. We don't know why... Was this flight just a step? In any case, he's locked up!" a source close to the investigation told TF1/LCI. Since he knew he was persona non grata in France, Pavel Durov used to travel to the Emirates, the countries of the former USSR, South America... He travelled very little in Europe and avoided countries where Telegram is under surveillance. > >And now? > >Investigators from the ONAF (National Anti-Fraud Office attached to the Customs Directorate) notified him and placed him in police custody. He is expected to be presented to an investigating judge this Saturday evening before a possible indictment on Sunday for a multitude of offences: terrorism, drugs, complicity, fraud, money laundering, concealment, paedophile content... > >"Pavel Durov will end up in pre-trial detention, that's for sure," comments an investigator to TF1/LCI. "On his platform, he allowed an incalculable number of misdemeanours and crimes to be committed for which he does nothing to moderate or cooperate," said a source close to the case. > >His pre-trial detention at the end of his indictment is indeed in no doubt. Pavel Durov, a billionaire, has substantial means to flee and his guarantees of representation will hardly convince the judges. > >A net with international resonance > >For the investigators, this international sweep has various objectives. First, it makes it possible to kick the anthill, impress and deter the perpetrators of crimes and offences who exchange, until now, freely on Telegram. Secondly, they aim to put pressure on European countries to step up joint work to make secure messaging on terrorist cases bend. > >Indeed, Telegram is a hive of criminal content. At the moment, the platform is in the news with the illegal broadcasting of Ligue 1 matches. But on this encrypted messaging service, many accounts are used by organized crime. Beyond terrorism, the most dangerous pedophiles communicate on Telegram to exchange content. "It has become for years THE number 1 platform for organized crime," comments an investigator.


    What could possibly go wrong?

    "We've changed, I promise. It'll be different his time!"


    The top few comments from hexbear’s refederation with post:

    >that site has like 20 daily users, i dont think we’ll even notice they’re federated unless a hapless lib accidently steps in it.

    >It’d be nice to radicalize more people

    >cry havoc and let slip the bears of posting

    >No, these lemmy fuckers come in here and harass trans comrades. >>Going onto lemmy dot cee ayy and saying DOWN WITH CIS

    >KKKlanada’s largest impact on American culture is a parody song by Weird Al.

    >I think it’s funny that by getting domain this website represents all of kkkanada in the lemmyverse. knowing kkkanadians i bet that weighs heavily on the maintainers. they perhaps even wish to subdue and recuperate hexbear on behalf of liberalism. >>Excuse me, but it’s KKKlanada

    >Death to Canada

    >Whining about pig poop balls was their first reason to block us

    Do you guys really want to be re-federated with Hexbear?

    15 23 August – Black Ribbon Day, or the European Day of Remembrance - EUvsDisinfo

    23 August, the European Day of Remembrance, marks the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939

    cross-posted from:

    >23 August is a special day for historic events in Europe. The European Day of Remembrance, also known as Black Ribbon Day, honours the victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. > >On 23 August 1939, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany concluded the so-called Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with its Secret Supplementary Protocol that carved up Central and Eastern Europe into spheres of control between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Days later, on 1 September 1939, the Second World War began in Europe. > >Persistent attempts, both in the USSR and in present-day Russia, have tried to deny the Pact’s Protocol. When forced to recognise its existence, the Kremlin diminishes or relativises its importance by saying that almost everybody had a pact of non-aggression. Well, not everybody sliced up Europe into ‘spheres of influence’, disregarding other national sovereign governments. > >Putin and the Pact > >In recent years, Putin has prominently resurrected the Pact and praised its geopolitical value. In fact, it allowed the USSR and Nazi Germany to help each other. Putin omits saying that as pact-partners, the two countries exchanged vital material support, fuelling the destruction of Europe for 22 of the 64 months of war (almost two years or one-third of the time). The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact included a credit agreement between Germany and Soviet Russia, cooperation on trade, military technology and cultural exchange. It even provided for USSR sending Jews to Nazi Germany. > >Outrageous claims of historical revisionism have surfaced in Russian state and other pro-Kremlin disinformation outlets. We have examined in detail the many attempts to play ping-pong with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact or manipulate it so nobody remembers what is up and down. > >Currently, our EUvsDisinfo Database has 265 cases with examples of pro-Kremlin disinformation where the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact plays a key role or is a reference. Some of the outrageous claims are: ‘The Secret protocol never existed’, ‘The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is not an “unusual” document’, ‘Poland and the West forced the USSR to sign a Pact with Nazi Germany’, and ‘In 1940, the Baltic States asked to be incorporated into the USSR’. Putin even claims that ‘Hitler offered Poland peace and a treaty of friendship and alliance’ but ‘Poland pushed Hitler too far by attacking’ or ‘Poland started World War II’. > >23 August has gained a new dark relevance with Russia attempting the annihilation of independent Ukraine and developing authoritarian rule at home. > >Freedom from totalitarianism and authoritarianism is not a given. Don’t be deceived. > > Edit: Fixed missing link


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    > Source:
