the us is an authoritarian state
the us is an authoritarian state

the us is an authoritarian state
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To be fair, he didnt say he was against authoritariamism.
Is communism even possible without authoritarianism?
Edit: lol I pissed off the tankies
If everything is shared under communism, that would include political power. thus (imo) communism is a direct democracy.
Edit: forgot what thread I was in. What the hell does communism have to do with US authoritarianism?
Ideal communism is what you described. Not communism in practice
Yeah, but humans are awful animals and true communism is a pipe dream.
The awful ones are awful. They're allowed to take power in the current system. We have awful rulers and the awful people who support them. We need only be aware of this phenomenon to mitigate it. Your solution appears to be not accepting possible solutions, which is just inaction. How does inaction stop awful people from destroying the planet?
They've been allowed to take power in basically every system that has ever existed. The entirety of human history is a showcase of the fact.
Sure, we might be able to be better on small scales, but there's a reason communism has never worked, and will never work on a large scale.
It looks great on paper, but not so much in practice. There's always going to be evil people who are only interested in personal gain at the expense of others who are charismatic enough to dupe the population into letting them and participate in the committing of atrocities.
Humans are just too easy to corrupt. I think it'll likely be our Great Filter.
Yes. Communism was never meant to be authoritarian anyway, it's a classless, moneyless, stateless society. Only some people don't believe in the stateless part.
Not in the worlds current state. Communism is what comes after the worlds problems are already solved, regardless of what people on here think, its not happening any time soon.
More social policies are needed but these guys messaging is so bad and off it refuses to look introspectively they end up sounding like trumpers
You're not wrong though. While it might be possible to do in theory people are not that nice or kind, you'll never get everyone to share what they have and not own or try to possess things without an authoritarian government forcing it. Maybe in a more ideal world you could achieve it but that's not the world we live in.
Traditional communism probably isn't possible but it's near guaranteed that no one in Lemmy wants communism like it's traditionally taught
Edit: the fuck are you doing in a post about USA authorianism
Why are you booing me I'm right
It's not possible with authoritarianism either :)
Unless you count the version everybody insists on calling "social democracy" nowadays. That one can be done.