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26-year-old Rhyker Earl killed by Indiana Sheriffs during medical call, please share as this story has not reached any major outlets yet
  • Imagine having someone who just came out of a seizure stumble into you while trying to get dressed to go the the hospital, and instead of catching him and holding him up to help him put his shorts on you throw him to the ground and brutally suffocate him to death while he and his family beg for mercy.

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    Highly enjoyable things require concentration too
  • I dont have a general doctor and last time I tried to get help I got profiled as a drug seeker. Its really turned me off trying to get help but maybe I should try again

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    Highly enjoyable things require concentration too
  • Coffee did not help me. A few years ago i was averaging 2 liters of coffee per day it was a real problem. I don't drink coffee anymore.

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    Seems to be mixing up places more often now
  • It sounds like in this case hes not mistaking, just talking about an unrelated town in a different state as a talking point to bring up immigration?

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    Seems to be mixing up places more often now
  • I tried to find a video of this on youtube, which I could not. I did however find a video of him making the same mistake 3 weeks ago in Pennsylvania, this time confusing it with North Carolina 🙄

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    Bruh even the Bleach blonde, bad built butch body lady called Laura Loomer a racist
  • "Hey Laura can you tweet something absolutely insanely racist about Kamala so I can publicly call you out so that people won't think im the crazy one?"

    "Sure thing fam I was probably gonna do that anyways lol"

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    We Got You
  • If i ever get something stuck up my ass while trying to pleasure myself and need medical help to remove it, I will absolutely try to come up with the most convoluted and ridiculous story for how it got there. Not out of embarrasment, but just to give the ER nurses a good laugh.

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    And another
  • Before i noticed the trump in the background I legitimately though I was having a stroke trying to read this.

    He talks like hes just repeatedly hitting the suggested word on his phone keyboard.
