Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
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I've been playing a bunch of SSX tricky. It's super old, but I absolutly love it even 20 years later. I've been playing on the PC using a ps2 emulator.
I've also been playing simpsons hit and run which really holds up. It's a simpsons version of grand theft auto & it's just fun. It's another emulated ps2 game.
Lastly I've been playing survival fountain of youth. It's a fairly recent release. You play as a shipwrecked Spaniard looking for the fountain of youth. I enjoy the base building & exploration -- the story line is fiiine but nothing special.
Which emulator are you using for ps2?
Pcsx2 -- it works pretty well, the only game I've had trouble running was monster rancher 2