
someone needs to make a hybrid of stalin and chad like the xi/chad meme. lol
that one gives off old man vibes; it's needs be younger and more chad like xi's:
maybe lenin would work better?
Didn't Stalin murder a couple of people in the name of communism, maybe not the best image to associate with
Counter-cointer point, Stalin was a murderous peice of shit who should be condemned to eternity for his atrocities against humanity. Anyone that thinks otherwise for some inconceivable reason needs to step outside and snort some fuckin grass for being such a self-centered dumbass. Some of yall need to visit an active war zone or two, actually see with your own fucking eyes the violent destruction, visceral death, and utter despair that evil fucks like Stalin create.
Yes they murdered invading nazis.
"We have liberated Europe from fascism, but they will never forgive us for it." - Marshal Zhukov
One should never rever Stalin or any authoritarian.
counterpoint: everyone should read writings from every historical world leader, you will be in for a surprise. You'll find out that mainstream respected world leaders churchill and Teddy R almost echo hitler on their writings.
I'm not saying that those people are great, don't pretend Stalin, the man that destroyed any hope of a effective socialist democracy, as a good person.
Stalin literally saved the world from the nazis so maybe you should take a step back and evaluate who your friends are