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Literally just a copy the same meme posted a couple of days ago with smaller text. Are we reddit now?
Believe it or not, I don’t pay attention to every single post in every single community in which I post just in case I post an image that was posted before. Especially not in a community with dozens of posts a day. I can’t even do that with communities I moderate.
Sure, but how do you have the same exact punchline as the other post 🤔
Because it’s an obvious joke to make?
Do you think I posted the same post twice with two accounts or something? To what end?
It could have been sponsored by McDonalds powered by Duracell but it's the same companies too. Now I'm invested I this pointless debate lol.
I didn’t make the image. You know that, right?
Well, we have people fighting about whether or not something is a repost in the comments, so I'd say we are becoming reddit circa 2012.