New US foreign policy dropped
New US foreign policy dropped

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New US foreign policy dropped
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Shhh the libs are circlejerking over their genocide. Let them circlejerk themselves into the camps. Only after experiencing suffering for the first time in their life do they have any hope of abandoning liberalism and right wing ideology in general.
"Once they're in the death camps, they'll finally convert to The One True Faith" - People who are Very Serious Leftists, Totally Guys
You guys built the camps, you're mad that now you'll also be targeted. Too bad so sad hope you don't build camps next time.
You guys built the camps, you’re mad that now you’ll also be targeted. Too bad so sad hope you don’t build camps next time.
Yes, you caught us, the Liberal Agenda was to create death camps in America all along.
It's what you voted for and what your elected leaders did. You people keep saying intent doesn't matter.
It’s what you voted for and what your elected leaders did.
You know, it's usually considered good form to at least vaguely relate to reality when discussing politics; that you're not doing so is really quite... concerning.
So Obama isn't liberal now? Neither is Biden or Clinton? Neither are the dem members on Congress that happily, gleefully voted for the patriot act written by Biden?
So Obama isn’t liberal now? Neither is Biden or Clinton?
Refresh my memory on where the death camps were under Clinton, Obama, and Biden.
Neither are the dem members on Congress that happily, gleefully voted for the patriot act written by Biden?
Ah, you're one of those "All violations of rights are equal" types, where violations of privacy, quite serious in reality, are the equivalent of genocide. Interesting, but utterly disconnected from reality.
I hope you get better.
The same place they are now... They built e.g. Guantanamo or abu ghaib... Oh right libs don't consider mena people as people so the hundreds camps to concentrate uncharged and unconvicted ' terrorists', some of whom were American citizens, don't count. and neither do the camps at the border built under Obama count.
The same place they are now… They built e.g. Guantanamo or abu ghaib…
The same Gitmo that Obama ran on closing and tried to shut down during his administration? The same Abu Ghraib that wasn't extant by the time of Clinton's administration and which was an ordinary prison by the end of the Bush administration, its torture secret having been exposed and arrests made?
Yes, clearly, liberals voted for this and our elected officials did it. You caught us.
Oh right libs don’t consider mena people as people so the hundreds camps to concentrate uncharged and unconvicted ’ terrorists’, some of whom were American citizens, don’t count.
'hundreds camps'
You really just say the first thing that comes into your head?
and neither do the camps at the border built under Obama count.
Would you like to elaborate on how 'camps at the border' means LGBT folk deserve to be murdered in death camps? Perhaps outline the details of the offense in the 'camps at the border'?
Oh you sweet summer child, you still don't pay attention to actions instead of words? Gitmo can be closed by executive order, and can be emptied by executive order. Obama didn't close it, didn't even try. He could've done it day one, or at least not interred new prisoners... But gitmo hit max capacity and stayed there under his term.
As far as abu graihb, it's existence was explicitly allowed due to Dems. It wasn't a rogue executive, it was explicitly allowed under the patriot act. Along with the hundreds of other black sites across the world where civilians were held and tortured without charge in the name of us national security.
And back to lgbtq, the group Dems actively hated on the federal level until scotus used a loophole to legalize gay marriage and it became profitable for companies to market to that demo. No, of course they don't deserve to die, but the smart ones already have a second citizenship and jumped ship in the Clinton era when Congress was debating whether to make sodomy a federal crime. The real smart ones are still in the closet given the US governments continued hostility towards minorities.
But for those either too brave for too stupid to meta game that deeply, I sincerely hope they head to Canada and try to catch a boat to the EU as soon as possible. But my advice for them hasn't changed in thirty years so maybe you aren't going to count that sincerely as you seem to think the US was ever safe for non white non cis non straight non men.
Oh you sweet summer child, you still don’t pay attention to actions instead of words? Gitmo can be closed by executive order, and can be emptied by executive order.
That was literally attempted by Obama, and stopped by interference outside of the executive branch.
Obama didn’t close it, didn’t even try. He could’ve done it day one, or at least not interred new prisoners… But gitmo hit max capacity and stayed there under his term.
That's not even close to true, holy shit. Are you this misinformed, or just making things up?
As far as abu graihb, it’s existence was explicitly allowed due to Dems. It wasn’t a rogue executive, it was explicitly allowed under the patriot act. Along with the hundreds of other black sites across the world where civilians were held and tortured without charge in the name of us national security.
Do you... do you actually know what is in the PATRIOT Act?
And back to lgbtq, the group Dems actively hated on the federal level until scotus used a loophole to legalize gay marriage and it became profitable for companies to market to that demo. No, of course they don’t deserve to die, but the smart ones already have a second citizenship and jumped ship in the Clinton era when Congress was debating whether to make sodomy a federal crime. The real smart ones are still in the closet given the US governments continued hostility towards minorities.
You mean the same Clinton who tried to lift the ban on LGBT folk serving in the military? Who ran on lifting that ban? Those were the Dems who were 'actively' hating LGBT folk on the federal level?
Where were they jumping to, by the way? Perhaps China was welcoming LGBT refugees?
But for those either too brave for too stupid to meta game that deeply, I sincerely hope they head to Canada and try to catch a boat to the EU as soon as possible. But my advice for them hasn’t changed in thirty years so maybe you aren’t going to count that sincerely as you seem to think the US was ever safe for non white non cis non straight non men.
Ah, yes, "The US has never been safe for minorities; therefore, greenlighting genocide is Literally No Change"
What brave theories they teach leftists in the university of 'online games of telephone'.