Sleepy racist dotard
Sleepy racist dotard

Sleepy racist dotard
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While I have saved this for later distribution, it looks more like he's checking his phone. Either way, he's not paying attention.
That's what it looks like to me. To be honest though just about everything on the internet is probably more important than what Elongated is saying.
Oh my God this comment just made me realize when the inevitable Watergate type scandal happens with this administration it will be called Elongate
I think we need to retire -gate. Watergate was a laughable nothing of a scandal compared to what the Trump regime does daily.
I think we need to retire -gate.
OK. But please let us have Elongate first. It's almost like centuries of English language evolution have led us to this moment.
I'll allow it.
He's obviously looking at his phone. This isn't the burn the meme makes it out to be.
The real fucked up shit is the world's richest man addressing the Cabinet. In a fucking baseball hat.
Yes, outrage farming misinformation doesn't belong here (or anywhere).
Engage with reality, don't cheer on lies because they're lies that you like.
It should be pretty obvious the kind of damage that can be caused by people living in alternative-fact-based realities.
Obviously? No. There is no possible way his hands could be holding that phone. And we all know he is absolutely a 2-handing smart phone user. He can barely hold a 16oz bottle of water. Probably a 15.9oz at that.
his eyes are closed.
There's no way you can tell that from that angle.
Also, in the video he's obviously got his phone out.