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  • This isn't exactly corollary.

    FB isn't just selling ad space, they're literally selling user data, often to adversarial countries.

    Radio could never do that, and tv only could if you had a paid service like cable or satellite.

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    Harris leads Trump in polls, but remains an underdog due to the Electoral College
  • Yes, but I feel as though people are more active this election, so I think there's a larger chance of at least getting rid of the super majority in the house.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I just searched "do maple trees have a tap root", ai overview says yes. Literally all other reputable sources say no 🙄

  • What are these things? Were on a plant in my front yard (kentuckyana area)

    Dunno what they are, now they're taking over my trash can. Have one more picture in the comments.

    TIL that at age 17, in 1980, Jodie Foster already had a decent handle on why some in the US are so thick about the situation in Palestine
  • I don't think they're angry at you. I imagine they couldn't care less if they tried, but I'm sure they're confused how you seem to think that the target of an infatuation is somehow responsible for the actions of the infatuated person. This strikes me as a very small step away from "It's her fault she got r***ed, look how she's dressed".

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    Mormon church issues new restrictions on transgender members
  • Heh nice call, did grow up in Idaho, but didn't start doing temple stuff until I was in California.

    Anywho, sorry never heard anything about changing any historical facts about anyone. (Not even sure where that came up in the thread, but forgive me, it's almost 4 am 🤣). The past is the past. Just offering them the "atonement" or whatever. They could still decide whether or not to accept.

    Anywho, it's a sucky religion, and I've used up my quota of energy on it for the quarter.

    I hope you have an excellent rest of your life, free from the special Mormon flavor of religion!

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    Mormon church issues new restrictions on transgender members
  • Not really sure what you mean. Me and everyone I knew absolutely believed we were offering salvation for each person we were doing this for. If you didn't, then you weren't a good mormon (honestly, good for you, I wish I wasn't so in the coolaid)

    They have kids, 12+ do this all the time, and they use other submitted names, with literally no relationship to any of the names the kid is baptized for. There's no "supposed to be related" they just encourage it to make you feel more personally attached to the work.

    Also if you were in it more recently than I, perhaps they changed it. It's been about a decade, and despite what they say, they change their story all the time.

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    Mormon church issues new restrictions on transgender members
  • And Mormonism does it more than others. There's not only 4 places you can go after you die, but the "heaven" (best) one has 3 separate levels in it as well. You can only go to super secret top tier heaven if you're Mormon, get sealed (eternity married) in the temple, and remember all the secret handshakes and your special name learned in the temple.

    (The name isn't even that special, they just make it seem like it is. Every person of the same gender as you (remember there's only 2 🙄🙄) gets the same name for that date. They're all biblical names, and since there's only like 8 women mentioned in the Bible (because why would they right?), they're recycled even more making your super special secret temple name super common.)

    Additionally, of you get a special placement in the afterlife based on what church you associate with, and not even based on your deeds and intentions, then that's F'd up. You could be literally the best person ever, but if your Catholic or atheist, you don't get into super secret top tier heaven. That's reserved for the sycophants.

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    Mormon church issues new restrictions on transgender members
  • There's a huge pull for Mormons to see their family again, it's one of the ways they manipulate you the hardest. If you're a good mormon, but this other person wasn't, then you'll basically never see them again. (Or meet them, in the case of ancestors). Plus it's a bragging point, I knew people who kept a count of everyone they did this for.

  • What is this tiny thing?! (Consensus: tick larva or nymph)

    Tiniest little bug. I only saw 4 legs, but it probably has more. Adding more pics in the comments, can only upload one. Phone wouldn't really focus on it.


    Coconut tree


    Super weird, noticed it today on his right foreleg just above the elbow joint. Feels like there's something underneath, and had this chunky white protrusion. Can't find an exact match via Google. Expecting some sort of cyst or maybe a blocked gland?
