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Winter 2025 Anime Season Kickoff and General Discussion Thread [2025, Week 01]

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New year, new season of anime! It is Winter 2025 time! So, it's time to talk about what we are looking forward to in the coming season. I will be monitoring this thread and enabling any shows people mention in the upcoming season so that rikka will make discussion posts for them. Like always, discussion about any other anime topic is also welcome!

As always, remember to be mindful of spoilers. If you want to know more about how to handle spoilers in this community, check the guide here (also linked in the sidebar).

  • Apart from continuations like Solo Leveling and Apothecary Diaries I'm looking forward to Welcome to Japan Ms Elf the most. I really enjoy the light novel of that series. As for new (to me) series I'm interested in Bureaucrat to Villainess. Just seeing an MC that's closer to my own age and occupation is enough to be hopeful about the series.

    That being said, as always, I try to find the time to check out every first episode.

    • I liked the manga for Welcome to Japan as well. I haven't read too much of it, but I remember liking what I read.

      I try to find the time to check out every first episode

      Just the thought of trying to do this gives me anxiety. I salute those of you that manage to do this every season.

      • I try to find the time to check out every first episode

        Just the thought of trying to do this gives me anxiety. I salute those of you that manage to do this every season.

        Watching Mother's Basement's "Worst of 2024" video made me realize that there are far worse things that could be on my screen during the work day than meetings. Props to him for not only watching the start of each of these shows, but also paying enough attention to have something to say about them.

      • Over the years there were a lot of shows that sometimes even turned into my absolute favorites that I wouldn't have touched based on the synopsis alone. March Comes In Like a Lion, Ore Monagatari!!, Non Non Biyori, Akebi's Sailor Uniform, Welcome to the N.H.K., Silver Spoon, etc... I might have picked up a few of them anyway based on word of mouth afterwards, but if I were to just go by synapsis I would just skip everything that isn't fantasy.

    • Threads for these shows have been enabled.

  • As for the new season, I don't think I will be able to watch too many shows due to work, so I am trying to limit myself. Here are the ones I have on my radar:

    • Orb - Continuing from last season.
    • Apothecary Diaries Season 2 - No brainer here. Expecting great things again.
    • 100 Girlfriends Season 2 - More crazy please! Looking forward to this one.
    • My Happy Marriage Season 2 - The first season had its ups and downs, but it was good enough I am going to give this season a chance.
    • Guild Receptionist - This one sounds silly enough to be right up my alley.
    • Welcome to Japan Ms. Elf - I read a good portion of this manga and enjoyed it. Willing to see how the adaptation ends up.
    • Bureaucrat Villainess - The obligatory Villainess anime this season seems suitably ridiculous.

    If I have time:

    • Ameku M.D. - This story is a medical mystery drama written by an actual doctor. Willing to see how it turns out.
    • Red Ranger Isekai - Such a ridiculous premise. If I hear good things about it, I might try to check it out.
    • Sakamoto Days - I really want to watch this one, maybe if I drop one of the ones above I could fit it in.
  • I just watched Bogus Skill «Fruitmaster» and it's soooo god awful. That's my first anime of the year?! How can someone greenlight this trash?

    • Haha, yeah. That one was pretty easy to spot for what it was from a mile away. Looking at the release schedule, I think the first new show of the season I am going to try to check out is Ameku M.D.

  • Must watch:

    • Apothecary diaries s2
    • Dr stone


    • Guild receptionist: fun idea. Also CloverWorks
    • Zenshuu
    • I have a crush at work: read the 1st manga volume. It's fun.
    • Welcome to japan, ms elf: read few chapters of the manga. Seems fun
    • Flower and asura
    • Bureaucrat to Villainess: read some of the manga too. Fun concept.
    • Ameku M.D.: I'm down for some mystery
    • Sakamoto days

    I'll have a look:

    • Honey lemon soda
    • Kuroiwa is impervious to my charms
    • Unnamed memory s2: s1 sucked ass, but retconned the entire thing at the end, so I am kind of curious.
    • Grisaia: Phantom Trigger: Grisaia.. That's a while ago. I enjoyed it at the time, but don't know if I still would.
    • Red Ranger Isekai: could be fun, could also be very gimmicky and become stale quick.
    • Tasokare hotel
    • NEET kunoichi

    Maybe I'll also finally pick up Orb.

    Hopefully this season is better than the last.

    • Threads for these shows have been enabled.

    • I didn't realize that Guild Receptionist was CloverWorks, now I am really looking forward to it.

  • Looks like I have things to watch this season.

    I will probably binge S2 of Solo Leveling when it ends or even wait for the bluray.

    Dr.Stone is a must for me, I just love it, I can't explain why, I just do.

    I need to start watching Apothecary Diaries, I heard it was good so I will probably binge watch it till S2 comes out.

    Sakamoto Days, I have faith but it's TMS we're talking about so it's either gonna be a good adaptation or a "read the manga,ignore the anime moment"(Something that I have done with series like Index,yikes that S3 was bad).

    • Apothecary Diaries is really good. I like to compare it to Sherlock Holmes, but with an Imperial China twist and all the courtly drama that entails.

    • Threads for these shows have been enabled.

  • Apart from Apothecary Diaries the ones I'm looking forward to most are Medalist and Zenshuu. Haven't read Medalist, but I've heard it's good. As for Zenshuu, I just like the premise. I'm always a sucker for anime about anime, and having a main character who's an adult is also a plus.

  • I don't know when it's going to actually air (the first 3 eps are hitting Japanese theaters next month), but I'm down for Gundam GQuuuuuuX. 🦆

    • Given how little we've heard I'm starting to worry that we'll have to wait until Spring.

    • It doesn't have a broadcast release date yet that I can find unfortunately. I can manually create a discussion thread for the movie if there are people that made the journey to Japanese theaters to see it and there is interest.

  • Must watch:
    The Apothecary Diaries Season 2

    I will check out:
    Magic Maker: How to Make Magic in Another World
    Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf!
    I May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time
    Flower and Asura
    Dr. Stone: Science Future
    From Bureaucrat to Villainess: Dad's Been Reincarnated!

    I need to see what it's about for silly reasons:
    Promise of Wizard (MOON BIG)
    Momentary Lily (WTF is that art style!?)

    • Promise of Wizard

      Looking this one up, I didn't realize that this one is a video game adaptation. There is an existing manga adaptation of the game already, and it is published in a josei magazine. I will be interested to see what the reception of this one is like.

      Momentary Lily (WTF is that art style!?)

      Welcome to Studio GoHands. I don't really like their art style, but I will at least give them credit for committing really hard to it. It's one of those things where I respect them for their conviction even if I don't agree with it.

    • Threads for these shows have been enabled.

  • Nothing in this coming season catches my attention.

    So, first up last week was the KonoSuba movie, Legend of Crimson. And it was every bit as awesome as wjs18 led me to expect it to be.

    Lots of great moments, but my favorite had to be Komekko completely stealing Kazuma's spotlight, then unveiling her own Crimson Demon chuuni-style intro. I'm even laughing right now, remembering it.

    Next up was an oddity: VTuber Nandaga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta (aka VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream). My little brother's a bit of a weeb too, so we spend much of holidays sharing interesting things we've seen/played since the last time we talked, and that was one of the ones he mentioned. It was better than it seems like it should have any reason to be - not high art by any means, but not a cynical cash grab either, which is what I would've expected. I know nothing at all about vtuber culture, so that was all lost on me, but it was enjoyable enough anyway.

    Followed that up with another he mentioned Nozomanu Fushi no Boukensha (The Unwanted Undead Adventurer). It was really quite good all in all, and then completely fell apart in the end when it was revealed that it wasn't really an anime season in any meaningful sense, but was pretty much just a 12 episode prologue. Nothing at all was resolved - it spent all of that time, and all it managed to do was establish the setting and what presumably is meant to be the main cast and some of the background, and it was cynically obviously done just to serve as a foundation for a hoped-for franchise. There's apparently a season 2 coming, but I'm not sure if I'll watch it. I liked it well enough, but to be honest, the cynicism of so blatantly trying to create a franchise with the only possible payoff relegated to the future rather than telling a story with its own payoff pisses me off.

    And at the moment, I'm finally watching the second season of Non Non Biyori - Non Non Biyori Repeat.

    I have a complex history with NNB. At the time the first series came out, the manga was my absolute favorite, no competition, and it still ranks as one of my all-time favorites. And the anime was certainly gorgeous, and it has a couple of stellar episodes (the New Years episode with Candy Store and Renge is on the short list for my all-time favorite anime episodes period), but I was still disappointed all in all - it just never quite caught the magic of the manga. So when the second season came out, I was interested, but I just couldn't quite get myself to watch it - I didn't want to be disappointed again. But it is NNB, and its reputation is even better than the first season's so... I was going to end up watching it sooner or later. And now's the time.

    And so far, so good. It's sort of odd that it's essentially a reboot, but I'm hoping that that'll be to its advantage, since a lot of what disappointed me with the first season was seeing inferior versions of great gags from the manga, and this one has only touched on a couple of those moments in passing and is mostly telling other parts of the story. We'll see.

  • Weekly ranking roundup:

    1. Reddit Karma - Weekly Winner: Bleach: TYBW

    Credit to /u/Abysswatcherbel for making the chart for reddit karma and /u/Nooble5 for the Anime Trending chart.

    Limited week due to the inter-season pause on most things. So, no AC chart this week. Instead, Bleach gets a win on the reddit chart.