
"how does this keep happening!!!" :cat-confused:
I'm banned from SRD so pls do a lil trolling for me:
"how does this keep happening!!!" :cat-confused:
I'm banned from SRD so pls do a lil trolling for me:
There doesn't seem to be any place on Reddit for us boring normal social democrats.
I mean, a lot of us are in the neoliberal sub.
I'm shocked they're still telling themselves that.
Fuck me, I ended up posting a wall of text.
The reply to this is an absolute banger
I'm using liberal in the sense that many leftists who annoy me do, to describe anyone who's not truly right wing but disagrees with them on something.
I'll also that that a lot of what other leftists (and to lesser extent you) say hinges on the assumption that most modern liberals are well versed in politics and are loyal to liberalism. I agree that many people who identify as liberal would probably actually be further left if given more information, especially if it's not in the condescending way that many leftists are wont to do.
I don't fully agree with you about Sanders. I may be wrong but he strikes me as somebody who is in favour of socialism, but knowing that he can't achieve socialism in short time, is trying to be pragmatic. He won't manage to create a world ruled by the workers in his lifetime but he makes efforts to improve the lives of workers within this one.
I don't believe that we could or even should attempt to throw out the system and institute a socialist one in one motion, we have to transition from one to the other. An attempt to transition too quickly would almost certainly lead to another outcome like the USSR or CCP.
Finally, I just get frustrated that so many leftists seem to act like liberals are the real enemy, and that anyone they disagree with is a liberal who must be purged from the ranks. Liberals share some socialist ideals, and it is more effective to cooperate over what we can agree on for the time being.
Point bounced right off their head. Just the perfect demonstration of the differences you outlined between liberal idealism and socialist materialism. They even give their own interpretation of how a liberal revolution ought to happen, totally divorced from history or theory, so we don't end up with another "bad" outcome.
I don’t fully agree with you about Sanders. I may be wrong but he strikes me as somebody who is in favour of socialism, but knowing that he can’t achieve socialism in short time, is trying to be pragmatic. He won’t manage to create a world ruled by the workers in his lifetime but he makes efforts to improve the lives of workers within this one.
God fucking damn it. Sanders did campaign on legitimately demsoc policies in 2020, but if you look at virtually everything that he has done before and since, as well as some of the other things he has said during his campaign (disavowing socialism outside of the Nordic model), he is very clearly a socdem at best.
The whole fucking point of socialism is that you won't get there by taking incremental steps from liberalism.
Their response was the perfect encapsulation of why liberals are not allies to socialists, and they still didn't get it.
Finally, I just get frustrated that so many leftists seem to act like liberals are the real enemy, and that anyone they disagree with is a liberal who must be purged from the ranks.
What part of "liberals support free markets and private property" does this person not understand?
Mother fucker I do not care if you are Bernie or Mitch McConnell you both hold the same fucking beliefs in supporting private property and free markets. Whatever your other policies are you are an enemy of socialists because these beliefs are utterly incompatible with socialism.
You are on team capitalism and we are on team socialism. You are team liberal and we are team leftist.
It is a giant heap of brainworms, but at least the guy replied. More than I expect from Reddit.
That reply tho
Too quick of a transfer and we'd end up like the USSR or CPC
Nicely done, I actually read it aloud to myself cuz I'm half drunk and I'm working on my diction. Reads like a nice speech.
Do you mean diction as in generally or just while you're drunk?
Your second comment in that thread is essentially identical to my path towards becoming a Marxist. Awesome job concisely explaining that.
Is there any possibility you could link this so I can see the brilliant replies you got?
Good post comrade.
Liberals really just need to accept they're conservatives and move on.
it would save so much time
They'd still be called commie satanists by the ones calling themselves conservatives now.
"a lot of us are in the neoliberal sub"
Posted without a single degree of self reflection
I looked at the sub the other day and the top post by far was a smugpost about Manchin voting for the "massive" climate change bill. The sub has basically been a neolib sister sub for years now because the moderators heavily favour them when it comes to their arbitrary content moderation.
What is this "normal boring social democrat" supposed to mean? Social democracy is just as dead as communism in the US right now
Look we just want high wages, strong regulation, and redistribution of wealth, but without any of the levers of power necessary to achieve it. Is that so much to ask?
You see, social democracy came about because smarter heads in the the working class just kindly asked and voted the bougies to give them a bigger slice of the pie. It had nothing to do with those radical tankies, or the gigantic bear in the room in Moscow scaring the shit out of the said bougies. Bernie Sanders was able to coast his way into office and get shit done without being ratfucked whatsoever!
In seriousness, it's just darkly hilarious to me that we've come full circle on a century's worth of concessions being rolled back, and the supposed "socialists" in the West are somehow more up their own asses than the old Social Democratic parties, who at least understood some class analysis.
Wanting any of those things is violent authoritarianism. Even just asking is an unforgivable act of violence.
My anticommunism subs all have ultraconservatives? Who could have seen this happening
Almost as funny as people in supposed anti-fascist subs (MarchAgainstNazis, ShitWehraboosSay) being so surprised to see their precious bastions are filled with "tankies" (which include anarchists).
You got liberalism in my anticommunism!
You got anticommunism in my liberalism!
Fascism (tm) two great tastes, one delicious ideology
Reddit has banned nearly all the tankie subs and these shitlibs are still whining
Rent free
/r/dongistan shows promise.
lmao this thread is even worse than the tankiejerk one. Third worldists stay winning, I guess.
Reddit radlibs having a struggle session that devolves into them all accusing each other of being tankies is one of my favourite things to watch. Like the Battle Royale Lighthouse scene only with internet slap fighting.
Anti-tankie radlib subreddit says they are not a space for liberals. Other radlibs proceed to call them tankies.
It's great entertainment, lmao.
Radlib 1: You're a tankie
Radlib 2: :wojak-nooo: Noooooo you're a tankie!!
Hexbearite 1: You're a lib
Hexbearite 2: I know :yes-chad:
We are all libs but we must combat the liberalism within ourselves as Mao said to do
Being EXTREMELY generous, if you want to use the word "Tankie" and be taken seriously, you cannot also be stanning the largest manifestation of the military industrial complex in world history.
:geordi-no: Tankies
:geordi-yes: American tanks
all the anti communists turn out to be horrible people weird how this keeps happening :thinkin-lenin:
I just want a space where I can punch left without being punched from the left
~ Micheal Dukakis :tankie:
A lot of us are in the neoliberal sub
Hmm, I wonder why that could be. I'm looking for some kind of explanation but I'm just coming up blank. Do any of you have any ideas as to why this phenomenon might have come to pass? Please, I welcome any suggestions, as I am at a loss.
This image brought to you by Parenti. :parenti-hands:
Complete anarchy subreddit literally supported the US colour revolution in Bolivia and is run by an actual sex pest moderator.
Okay that's the perfect place for liberals to be fair
i mean no secterianism by this but i dont think "completeanarchy" has ever met a protest they didnt like. except the leftwing ones obviously :shrug-outta-hecks:
The word "tankie" is just the latest of what I call American Strawman Epithets.
Define a group of people, assign them whatever evil qualities you want them to have and then hurl it with all the violence you can summon in your mind.
It's traditionally used as a racial epithet, then against women, then LGBTQ+ and we've now, with the advent of OOP, created a flexible "class" that can be unstantiated to define whoever you want to hurl violence at. Inherited from CapitalistReactionaryPropaganda();
var tankie = new AmericanStrawmanEpithet();
Anti communist fascists will only attract anti communist fascists :shocked-pikachu:
Also politicalhumor and completeanarchy? One is full of liberals and the other is full of V*ushites.
The more Ukraine flags you have the less tankie you are. Those are the facts
Legal note: Some of the Ukraine flags may be prohibited in places with laws against brandishing nazi insignia
a few months ago [EnoughCommieSpam] had only one guy going apeshit