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"If you tell a lie big enough and tell it frequently enough, people will eventually come to believe it". What is an example of this happening today?
  • Colonialism was a civilising mission.

    Neoliberalism has also broken people’s brains to believe that nothing better is possible and anyone promising something other than managed decline or being vindictive against an outgroup is a charlatan.

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    Whats your such opinion
  • People who are unable to smoothly merge or use slip roads without slowing down 500m before even starting to turn off should have their licenses revoked unless they take a driving course to correct their behaviour.

    People who zigzag should just be put in a gulag however. Scum of the earth.

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    Israel-Gaza war: only a two-state solution can bring real peace, China president says in first public speech on conflict
  • But this is what Xi is proposing as the permanent lasting solution.

    “I have emphasised on many occasions that the only viable way to break the cycle of Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in a two-state solution, in the restoration of the legitimate national rights of Palestine, and in the establishment of an independent state of Palestine,” Xi said.

    I'd say the Oslo accords were the last dividing point where anything looking like a two state solution without essentially dismantling Israel was realistic. But they assassinated the PM who was cooperating in the effort and the hard line Zionists have been in charge since.

    Talking about a temporary two state solution is the same as going back to the pre October 7th status quo. Israel isn't going to end their current course unless forced to by outside forces.

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    Sweden denies Polish official's claim its preschools have "masturbation rooms"
  • They broke out their special masturbation room rebuke flags to deny it.

    Was just riffing on the idea that the people in the picture would be involved in any way with the statements put forward by the Swedish ambassador to Poland.

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    Israel-Gaza war: only a two-state solution can bring real peace, China president says in first public speech on conflict
  • A fascinating case study in how a lot of the people yelling at succdems in the west for proposing a two state solution as liberalism will turn themselves into pretzels to justify that it is actually great when it is Xi.

    The only way to end hostilities is to dismantle the zionist entity. If they were willing to accept a two state solution that would have been a reality decades ago, but further settlements are necessary for their ideology.

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    If you want to understand western views on Palestine then look no further than this Churchill quote
  • People point out that Churchill was against Hitler 'from the beginning' as some great moral stance when the reason was that he was a German imperialist and the Anglos didn't want anyone else at the table.

    Opinions on Churchill is a great litmus test for anyone who is 'into' WW2. Your average Joe will only have seen the hagiographies, but you don't have to scratch further than millimetres under the surface to find this kind of shit.

    I used to listen to 'historiepodden' and was annoyed at some of the libbery and such, but not a lot of history podcasts that focus on Swedish history around. But I had to drop it after one of the hosts went on a rant about how great an injustice it was that the Brits voted Churchill out of office as he was such a great man.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You see, the Russians are the reason that they were forced to (volunteered) to ethnically cleanse Jews and Poles. If Stalin hadn't eaten all the grain with his big spoon this would simply have been a proud Ukrainian Patriot.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Had someone break a front window of my work vehicle to steal the instruction manual. Have no idea why they didn't just smash the back windows and go for the tools instead.

    Wasn't too much of an issue other than cleaning up the glass as it was going into the body shop anyways, but it was confusing. Another confusing thing is that there was a Bugatti in the same parking lot, and they went for the banged up work vehicle instead.

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    People of Lemmy, I dare you to name ONE billionaire that's done anything good.
  • Yes, that too. He also was one of the most prominent slave traders of the time and put down the Spartacus revolt.

    Trying to find the silver lining here.

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    The fuck, Finland?!
  • The whites really wanted to have a king, but weren't allowed (because the Germans lost WW1). So they still simp for their imaginary king.

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    Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • South Korea was a literal military dictatorship until the late 80s under the watchful eye of uncle sam.

    They were the less successful US pet project after Japan. There is a reason that a whole lot of their media is about how capitalism sucks and that they are the heaviest drinkers in the world.

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    The Sanctimonious Centrists
  • There is a ridiculous amount of examples of abortion centrists who ultimately argue that abortion should be a legal compromise while saying that they don't support either side. They're just chronically unable to take any stand.
