Every third post on Lemmy
Every third post on Lemmy

Need a politics-free safe space? It's called "going for a walk"
Every third post on Lemmy
Need a politics-free safe space? It's called "going for a walk"
"Why do people want to talk about stuff that affects their daily lives so damn much???"
I just want a picture of a got dang hot dog
Need a politics-free safe space? It's called stop supporting people who want me dead.
Like I genuinely get mad when people say stuff like "I don't want politics in my x" or whatever, because YEAH. ME FUCKING TOO. Do you know how much I would love not feeling on the defensive at all times due to the pending casual extermination of people like me that you are either supporting or ignoring?????? If all the libs wanted me to be a lib like them they could have simply not made me life hell.
This is the point everyone misses. They forget that other people have problems even if it's not happening to them
I stopped and nothing changed, please advise.
Firstly, that sounds like a shit situation to be in, so please don't think I'm dismissing your struggles here.
I don't live in the same country as you and I have no power to even slightly affect your political situation. I read enough bad news about stuff that I at least have a chance to get involved in that sometimes I want to read some funnies on the internet without having to read about another shit situation. It's not because I don't care, it's because it's not worth stressing out further about something I cannot do anything about.
So yeah, that's why people don't want so see US politics everywhere. Just because something is very important doesn't mean it's very important to everyone.
So yeah, that's why people don't want so see US politics everywhere. Just because something is very important doesn't mean it's very important to everyone.
You'll be happy to know that our news megathread is truly an international one because you get to hear about stuff from around the world
"I just don't want to see your suffering"
Trans rights are important to everyone and under threat in most of the world, so disagree
These are all global problems because they’re caused by global systems lead by a global hegemon, the United States
Lemmy has some very aggressive communists.
I’ve been lucky enough to dodge the crazy right wingers though.
No. It must be lib magic
I’m fine with the lesser of two evils.
Which is ironic considering that you guys are the ones always claiming that people can't handle having their views challenged.
Nah I'm pretty sure it's the same reason why Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus are never seen in a room together
Almost like the very aggressive communists have a nose for right wing nut jobs and relentlessly hound them until they log out
I think that’s awful an immature behavior. When you fight idiocy with aggression (at least on social media) you just get idiots who think they must be right and start truth social or something
It's like studying an ecosystem; once you see the fascists, the aggression of the communists suddenly makes sense
Hey I'm not an aggressive communist. I like to think I'm a pretty laid back communist.
I mean unless we're talking about the rich. But like my whole political ideology kinda hinges on aggression in that direction so....
Hey yknow that’s a good point.
I mean unless we’re talking about the rich. But like my whole political ideology kinda hinges on aggression in that direction so…
I think the common Communist definition of "Rich" and Marx's might differ vastly, and I think the vagueness of the word is half the reason. I see too many Communists calling for the death to (for example) computer programmers because many of them are able to save up a couple million by retirement. I know a few that ended up with $10M cash because they worked for a profit-share startup. While I'm not an expert on Marx, I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant when he referred to the bourgeoisie.
Hell, I don't think he ever predicted the massive number of "petite bourgeoisie" that we have now in much of the west, people who put in 60-80 hours simply to live the same life the rest of us live but not have to obediently answer a boss. I'd do that if I could. You'd think Communists could make allies of both the successful proles (like programmers) and the petite bourgeoisie.
If you draw "rich" somewhere close to the $100M mark or higher and include some asterisks on the ones you think should be murdered in the streets (assuming that's what you meant by "unless we're talking about the rich"), maybe most people will agree you're not an aggressive communist (but still be terrified of you like we are of anyone who wants to kill someone for who they are). If you're going to look at a grandma who has $2M in savings after her husband dies, the world's got problems with you.
I mean, if you want to peacefully dismantle people like Musk, then I'm 100% on board with you. If you would support someone taking sudden and violent force to him, as much as I think he's a douche, that's why we use the word "aggressive".
From what I see, it's full of wannabe rebel communists, who claim to be communist because they like the idea of revolution. The type of people that think that wallstreetbets is communist because "they fight the system".
Marx and gramsci are turning in their grave reading some lemmy post
I'm sorry but the Marxist and communist discussions on here are an absolute far cry from wallstreetbets lmao, not to mention using WSB favorite word gets you banned in a lot of these communities
A whole bunch of these self proclaimed "communists" are supporting trump/trumpism...started with unfunny memes and well, I think we can all guess where they're all going to end up.
The funniest part is arguing about current "forms" of communism and capitalism and not realizing that it's just the same shit from different assholes and a far cry from either.
Are you lying about the communists supporting Trump or are you just repeating lies about the communists supporting Trump?
wow that's so enlightened, tell us more
I'm getting the impression from Lemmy that there's an overrepresentation of the particular demographic of comfortable middle-aged bookish software engineers who live in the US or Canada.
It's reddit rejects so what do you think
comfortable middle-aged bookish software engineers who live in the US or Canada.
That seems to be like 95% of both reddit's and lemmy's (or some other federated instances') user-bases.
On the other hand there's also an overrepresentation of tankies. I don't think those are the same people.
"Tankie" is to liberals as "woke" is to conservative liberals and fascists.
Oh fuck off lol. The biggest instance literally preemptively removedd from everyone left of Bernie Sanders. Go back to reddit if you're afraid of getting called out for being politically illiterate.
Are the tankies in the room with us right now sweetie?
there's no such thing as a tankie, the word literally has no meaning
Death to America
Did you mean communists? Common westerner mistake
"Everyone to the left of me isn't being actively purged from the platform and it's not to my tastes"
Fucking leave then
What's a tankie?
I'm fine with politics on the internet, but why spam it on a memes community...
Point me to a time/place when politics were not completely intertwined with meme communities.
Oh, right. That doesn't actually exist.
One time, back in the 90s, a baby danced.
Apologies for the sin of linking Reddit:
Sometimes humans do stuff that are not at all related with politics. But we are masters of linking any non-political action to political arguments. (The classic 'I like pancakes.'-'So you hate waffles!'-problem)
Sometimes I just want to have a space to engage with funny memes without the mental strain of filtering out political comments.
I would say pre 2016 political jokes was at one level, where the onion could make jokes that was not just an echo of reality.
Somewhere after that we crossed the political joke event horizon, and now we live in bizarro world, where many news items could have been the onion jokes.
Sure that's true, but here it's like way above 50% of the posts being just full-on propaganda, disguised as memes. IDK, I'm just comparing it to other sites/communities where the politics to meme ratio is way lower and feels less forced.
Back in the 2000s, most memes were just cat pictures. Longcat [is long], ceiling cat [is watching you], keyboard cat, grumpy cat etc.
Also #BrusselsLockdown hashtag was used in 2015 to ease political tension.
Because political memes are hilarious.
Haha yes! The threehundreth variation of the same joke, feels like the first time I heard it
Now this is a post I can get behind.
Take a hike, hug a tree, run your fingers through blades of grass, stare at nature and take it in.
Maybe even get a cheeky grill in while you're at it
Grillpill me, baby
Alright so what you need is 3 large portobello mushrooms, ¼ cup canola oil (or oil of your choice), ¼ cup balsamic vinegar, 3 tablespoons chopped onion, and 4 minced cloves garlic.
First Clean the mushrooms; remove stems, reserving them for another use. Place mushroom caps gill-side up in a shallow dish.
Then Combine oil, balsamic vinegar, onion, and garlic in a small bowl. Pour mixture evenly over mushroom caps; let marinate at room temperature for 1 hour.
Go and Preheat the grill to medium-high heat; grease the grate.
Lastly, Grill those suckers over the hot grill until caramelized and tender, about 5 minutes per side; serve warm.
If I wasn't a slave constantly in fear of malnourishment, illness, homelessness, police violence, jail and/or pain, I might not care so much.
Just work harder, plebe. Everything is working just fine (for me)
Lies! I went outside and I saw a poster about CLIMATE CHANGE, and then I turned the corner and heard a family complaining about minimum wage being too low! So unfair, I just want to be ignorant of other people's suffering.
Also every person who bitches about safe spaces: "ban dresses on men because it makes me feel funny"
The people that whine about safe spaces tend to have safe spaces of their own, and glaringly so, like "free speech" forums that ban people for opposing nazi shit.
Bingo Bango
You know how if a pipeline is blocked, the pressure will continue to build up, backing up with oil, seeping it into everything nearby because it can't go forward, until eventually a rupture occurs? That's why "everything is political these days."
Beautifully said my friend
Their politics aren't politics. Their politics are just the default, common sense, or invisible because they only get mad if they notice the politics.
My main problem is that most of the memes aren't even funny.
Make memes that are funny and then we can talk
Yeah, it's literally just circlejerking the same dumb political views with different variations of "if you don't agree you're stupid"
I saw one an hour or two ago, literally just a YouTube video of some guy screaming "if you have a penis you're a boy if you have a vagina you're a girl! Got it?!" end video
Expecting memes to be funny is literally the same as voting for Trump. Memes are supposed to be brave and important, and if you don't agree with that you're part of the problem.
I'm genuinely curious what's the difference between talking about our lives and politics?
Talking about inconveniences and commiserating with others is just life. Acknowledging systemic issues may be the source of your misfortune is politics.
Every boss, every landlord, every school board member, every person on your HOA committee you will ever interact with is deeply involved in politics and that has a direct impact on your life, whether you realize it or not.
You see, if you are white, straight and male, the answer is usually a big difference. For everyone else? Likely very little.
I mean it does though? If my wife died because she couldn't get healthcare she needed, I feel like that might maybe affect me.
There was a way to word this where you wouldn’t be a hypocrite but ya kinda just face planted fam.
The whole point of being progressive is to identify things we’ve been missing and things we’ve been doing wrong and to fix them.
Not to only swing the pendulum the other way. Not cool.
Singling out straight white men.. so progressive!
I don't know why people are down voting you when you're right. Hell people are mad at you just for talking about it
Anti communists can stay malding
Hexbears stay winning
Politics impact our lives, of course we talk about it. In the US basic human rights are being fought over. I bet if you were in danger of losing some civil rights you'd be interested in how it's going lol.
The definition of Privalage is not having to worry about politics because you are so secure in your place in our Capitalist Society Hierarchy.
Really? Every third post on my feed are tits
This guy internets.
Wtf I get no tits in my feed. Why has lemmy forsaken me?!?
Really? All I get are boobies.
Trade you a red-footed for a Willow.
tits or boobies debate. Discuss amongst yourselves
And the other two thirds are politics posts.
You don't have to make everything political. It's okay just to have fun and like things.
Tf you say?
When I go for a walk, the car-based infrastructure makes everything a nuisance until I get on a trail some distance from where I live. Turns out politics is everywhere.
Going for a walk?!?
That has surprisingly become political in the US
Leftie propaganda from big sidewalk! They want to see your precious calories burn!!
I wonder if there are any conservatives who get upset about nutrition labels when they find out the food has trans fats in it.
The call for walkable cities is a fatphobic dogwhistle!!!1
France go for a walk every year, and in Russia you can be beaten to death for jogging.
Well, I saw politics@lemmy.world was US only. So I blocked it.
That's pretty much the extent of my involvement in moaning/bothering about politics here.
So I blocked it.
Who talks about politics on the internet? Round here we yell and fight about politics.
No we don't you fascist swine!
The truth is somewhere in the middle, like always
Edit: apparently I should have put /s at the end
I live in São Paulo state, very leftist person. My city voted 86% for Bolsonaro, so good luck going for a walk to find a politic free space.
South Dakota in the US here. Very red state. Can't avoid politics unless I stick my head in the sand even for a moment and let the fascists run unchecked
never ever ever let the fascists run unchecked. they tend to end upside down somewhere in Italy.
Fellow South Dakotan, /me tips hat
Everything is political, not just when your views are challenged.
Spoken like a true person who tries to shoehorn their political beliefs into every topic.
Movie based meme page?
Better talk about American politics!
Where were those movies made?
luckily not every instance is centered around us stuff
for all the libs scratched by this meme, here's a good link for you to read about how memes are a highly political medium (just like propaganda posters and pamphlets used to be)
There's also some good scholarly works that get into this much deeper as well.
here's a quote since libs don't usually read from links:
I want to begin by discussing three ways I commonly see memes used: meme as revelation, meme as critique, and meme as ideation. This is not a comprehensive typology by any means, but it is a start at understanding the ways that memes are used in social life. These different ways of using memes also allows us to understand the different media ideologies associated with them. Media ideologies are, “beliefs, attitudes, and strategies about a single medium” (Gerson 2010b, 389). These ideologies show us, “the ways the medium shapes the message,” helping us to see “the communicative possibilities and the material limitations of a specific channel” (Gershon 2010, 283).
The potentially endless media ideologies associated with memes is, I believe, a product of their perceived informality as a form of communication, seen through their association with internet culture, “low” art, and post-GenXers. As Gershon (2010) explains, “media become perceived as formal or informal just as registers are perceived as formal or informal” (290). This perception has relegated memes to what Halberstam (2011) calls “the silly archive,” comprised of texts which “might offer strange and anticapitalist logics of being and acting and knowing” (20–21). This is what makes memes so deeply political—they are able to bypass the dominant cultural logics of “being and acting and knowing” that often constrain our imaginations and tie concepts and ideas to particular mediums.
Another reason memes are political is their accessibility. Not only are they simple—a user only needs to come up with a short description to fit a meme image—they can also be easily created on a number of meme generating websites. This democratization of meme production is what allows for the “subversive and transformative engagements” I referenced earlier. The accessibility of and creative engagement with memes reveal that it is not only meme images themselves that shape their message, but also the ways in which users understand memes as a medium, and the meanings they associate with or construct through specific memes.
We might also consider the production of memes through the model of the supply chain, thinking with Anna Tsing (2009) about the salience of global capitalism. While there are obvious differences in the circulation of digital media as opposed to material commodities, meme (re)production, like supply chains, “don’t merely use preexisting diversity; they also revitalize and create niche segregation through advising economic performance” (150). Here, I want to suggest that we add “social” to “economic,” which is seen through the creation of online communities and the multilayered shaping of subjectivities in local contexts. The meme economy is intimately related to media ideology, since the “beliefs, attitudes, and strategies” regarding memes influence motivations for the (re)production and circulation of certain memes, offering yet another layer for considering the importance of memes in social life.
you can still block a community.
It's always this sub.. with the stupid Joe Biden memes. I don't care.. stop showing me politicians.
I've been here a couple of months and I don't think I've seen but possibly one Biden thing
Need a politics-free safe space? It’s called “going for a walk”
Unfortunately, walks don't last forever. Another option is to delete your lemmy/kbin account, because everything in these places is politics or related to politics or turned into politics.
Or...bear with me...you could create and moderate a politics-free meme community.
There are already, like antiquememeroadshow, adhdmemes and mymouldymemes. But the most generic meme communities, or the flagship meme communities if you prefer it that way, are infected.
But deciding to go for a walk is politics too
The world has become political and its not for the better, but it is what it is. You don't get to choose to not be involved anymore. World doesn't work that way.
Don't wanna play the game? Go touch grass.
has become political
Always has been
Eh it wasn’t before about 100,000 BC
Imean, it was always that way... The perception that it wasn't is exactly why we're having so many problems today.
The system is very much not self-correcting.
Maybe post on a political meme community instead? Is it really that difficult?
Who gets to decide what is and isnt "political"?
This post showed up below a post showing a statistic of Lemmy losing users. Ironic.
Fr it really has me considering leaving. Going back to reddit? Probably not. But it really has become a problem. Feels like I'm just browsing the old ChapoTrapHouse board sometimes
Lot of bots, lot of unironic cringe-posting.
I hate to tell ya this but it’s like that all over the internet with any population of reasonable size. This is the noise of smashing huge amounts of people from all walks of lives and experiences together.
Of course the thing in common to talk about is the thing that impacts our lives the most.
I went to the internet and they were talking about not talking about politics.
Feel like this was half of the comments on that post. The other half was politics.
It's called quality over quantity.
The news bot posts are more annoying to me than the politics.
At least here there’s more than trump lovers and trump haters.
I hate scrolling into infinite bot posts with 0 comments
Just do your discussions on Pornhub then…
Filter Trump and Musk. It's less than 1 in 20 after that.
I wish I could just filter posts with that shade of orange in the thumbnail. So sick of seeing his face. The anti trump people are even more obsessed with him than the trumpets.
It just sucks how many don't include them in the title so you think you're getting a meme and instead you get some dumb shit.
It would be great if Lemmy implemented a user tagging system so people could tag posts and use those for filters
And generally, the political discussions don't even rise to the intellectual level of shitposting.
Just reading some of the arguments between people of different political persuasions on this post would fry your brain.
"What is or isn't politics is itself a political question" mfers when my politic is that nothing is political, there is only what the Irish call craic
Thoughts on George Habash? —He was a good doctor innit
Thoughts on the GERD? —It's a marvel of engineering innit
Thoughts on indigenous language education? —I like flicking through the Dakota dictionary sometimes. I don't understand any of it but yeah
Thoughts on the South China Sea? —yummy fishies there innit
Thoughts on trans people using public restrooms? —I'll answer your question with another question: why's it called a "public" restroom when you aren't shitting out in the open?
Thoughts on the world's interlocking systems of marginalization, exploitation, and oppression, including the core contradiction between the working and owning class, causing the slow demise of the planet under a world order which can only justify itself through unsustainable constant growth? —Them systems can't be reformed innit (※this opinion is apolitical because I have declared it to be common sense.)
Thinking that nothing is political is just admitting you like being ignorant
How meta
"I don't do politics..." https://youtu.be/Ame0j8jbMY4?si=R_Kn5DK-y-cb06A9
The other 2/3 are about politics, so...
You guys are exhausting. My entire existence is political, I don't need my social media to be political too. On the bright side, it has me coming on here less and less and less.
I deleted Reddit because those politics were too much Bs to handle, found myself in the same politics here as well x-x
But I don’t want my views challenged!!!
How dare you make me question my deeply held beliefs that I’ve been taught by my parents and the Murdoch media.
You sure spent a lot of time making a clown of yourself in this thread. Take the L and go home.
Kind of meta how you're cry posting about others complaining.
I don't see any complaining. OP is ridiculing them.
Kinda meta how you are outing yourself as the person this post is aimed at
How's it feel to be inside this meme?
Do you think when someone posts a meme with a guy in it, they are that guy?
You sure spent a lot of time making a clown of yourself in this thread. Take the L and go home.
Funny, never seen anyone complain about it.
Maybe it's just you.
maybe its Maybelline! Now off to go ban more hexbear communities...
I wish I could ban hexbear as a whole.