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dry - 1.5 cups ww flour, .5 tsp baking soda, 1.5 tsp baking powder, .25 tsp salt

wet - 2 tbsp flax meal mixed with 6 tbsp water + 1.5 cups soy milk mixed with 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 2 tbsp maple syrup or molasses + one mashed banana

Mix dry, mix flax egg, mix milk, mix egg and milk, mash the banana and add some of the milk to it to loosen, add the wet into the flour and stir, add the banana and fold in

cook on 350 f griddle 1/4 cup sized dollops

I have 3 scoops, 1 "half cup", 1 "2 tbsp" and 1 "half tsp"

the 2 tbsp scoop is a coffee scoop, it helps bc the egg is 1 scoop flax + 3 scoops water, the milk is three 1/2-cups + 1 scoop vinegar + 1 scoop maple syrup

same with the other ones- pancakes are 3 scoops of flour (qty 3 half cups), 1 small scoop of baking soda, 3 small scoop of baking powder, dash salt