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I need help enabling Playwright content fetcher in

I used Docker Compose to install and run and everything's working nice, but I want to enable Playwright content fetcher so I can specify when I want to be notified, and not just to be notified when there are even changes in the code of the site.

I can toggle an option in the changedetection settings to use WebDriver Chrome/Javascript instead of the default Basic fast Plaintext/HTTP Client, but when I tried to use the Visual Filter Selection within a watched item it tells me that:

Sorry, this functionality only works with Playwright/Chrome enabled watches. Enable the Playwright Chrome fetcher, or alternatively try our very affordable subscription based service. This is because Selenium/WebDriver can not extract full page screenshots reliably.

And honestly I want to try this to myself, not to just pay a subscription and that's it. So, I keep up and read through their wiki and according to their own wiki while using a docker compose based Change Detection service (as I am) to enable Playwright content fetcher it's as simple as:

In docker-compose.yml uncomment PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL under environment, and the playwright-chrome section under services.

I already tried that and toggle the fetching method to WebDriver Chrome/Javascript, but now instead of just not letting me using the Visual Filter Selection because of while trying to fetch any site it gives me this error:

Exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='browser-chrome', port=4444): Max retries exceeded with url: /wd/hub/session (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fa4d42417e0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))

But before of doing these changes I didn't receive any error message and everything works nice, so possibly I'm doing something wrong... Here is the pastebin of the docker-compose file that I edited, I won't share it here because the format fucked the whole code.

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