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  • Sorry but those broccoli haircuts are a deal breaker for me. Sucks about global warming and all though, yall got the short end of the stick

  • I'm genX. I just got off the monthly GenX Skype call. Mostly we bitched again about boomers spreading aids everywhere just as we were flowering. Anyway, I mentioned this post, they told me to tell you that we DGAF what GenZ thinks, so long as you pay your rent.

  • I am from Generation Z, and I must admit that it is a failed generation.

    • Nope. Every generation is seen as a failed generation when they're in their early twenties.

      I'd say the previous generations have failed you, especially considering the boomers (and boomer-loyalist gen-Xers like Ted Cruz) have tried to mold you guys to fit into their society (as cheap labor and soldiers) rather than letting you change culture and take society in the direction you want it to go. After all, it's as much yours as ours.

      Oh and we let big fossil-fuel wreck the climate for you, so bunches of Zoomers are going to die in a crisis famine and this catastrophic event will define their lives. Also there's the plastic crisis which is going to accelerate the Holocene extinction.

      So no. Your whole generation got dealt a bum hand. There's too much mess to clean up unless we have some miracles of innovation.

    • Nah, speaking as a Gen Y/millennial, we're the failed generation. You guys and the folks after you are the hope. Many of us graduated into the Great Recession and then went through the pandemic. You guys are graduating into a much better economy, but some unprecedented hurdles (in recent times) like climate change. You guys are the hope and future. The difference between Gen Y and Gen Z is like the difference between the folks who came of age in the Great Depression vs. the generation that came of age in and around WWII (the Greatest Generation). I just hope we leave a hopeful world for my gen alpha nephew for when he comes of age.