Mandatory "I want a Drive Client for Linux" comment. Why should I care about features I won't be able to access out of a cumbersome web app without even a search tool?
Also, why should I since I won't be renewing anyway.
I'm tempted to give this a try. I already am really happy with my VPN and password manager, but it looks like you can subscribe to mail/calendar for a reasonable price. If I did that and drive, I'd rely on Google a lot less.
looks like there's no way to allow edits for everyone with the link, they can only view the document that way. guess it's Google Docs for me for the foreseeable future :(
also, it doesn't seem to support previewing .odt, while .docx works fine.
yes, like your quote says, you have to invite other users. you have to explicitly add every user's email in order to let them edit it, you can't just create a link and send it to people.
Really nice. We're in the process of setting up office tooling for my work, and there is little competition for Google Suite, since it's cheap as hell and includes so much. Some competition in the space is very welcome.
One thing that scares me about proton is that git send-email seems to not work great (at least according to Anyone knows if that is still accurate?