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Rita, Naked and famous

This is a Frankenstein's monster of a smashup, and it's great. I have some tequila I don't love (have yet to meet a cristalino I actually like) and Naked and Famous is a little too sweet/strong/syrupy for me. So:

2 parts tequila.

2 parts lime.

1 part yellow Chartreuse.

1 part mezcal (maybe a little more)

1 part Aperol

1/4 part simple syrup

Combine and shake with ice, not too much, it wants some dilution. Serve up or on one big ice cube. (Or you could shake with lots of ice and serve on crushed ice. I make the giant clear ice mostly for my husband, who is a bourbon -with-one-ice-cube guy, but I love them so use them sometimes when maybe something else would be ideal taste wise.)

It's really, really good. First tastes sweet, then the complexity lands, so satisfying . Would be even better with good tequila. Obviously the tequila and mezcal have an affinity, I think I'd reduce the lime and omit the sugar syrup next time but that was just "one lime", I didn't think it would be too much with the Aperol and Chartreuse but it was. Also it's a gorgeous ballet pink color that doesn't come though well in the picture.