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Auto add dwarfs to military squads?

I lose interest in DF when, after some lucky military dwarfs die in glorious combat, I have to micro manage re-adding dwarfs to squads. Is there a mod to automate adding dwarfs to squads?

I'd love it if the commander/captains would have meetings to choose a new member out of some pool of dwarfs that want to join. And also kick out unhappy, trouble-makers from the military.

+Wood mug+ engraving unrelated.

  • Open the squads menu and pick the least otherwise useful dwarf you find

    • I usually name each dwarf based on their role in society and choose among them, but I'm not the Granite season chicken I once was.

      I need peasants to do peasant work, not deliver our ≡Bronze Mail≡ to the enemy!

      • Enable all year training then. They will become op quick if you have good dwarves in your squads.
