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What is a Just Transition? - We need a transition away from both fossil fuels and from the extractive systems harming both people and planet What is a Just Transition?

As the idea of the "just transition" has become mainstream, it has increasingly been co-opted. We need a transition away from both fossil fuels and from the extractive systems harming both people and planet.

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"What makes a transition just is far from a given [...] For an energy transition to be just, injustice must be eliminated, not merely displaced."

"For instance, a major scaling up of solar panel production with exploited labour or outsized damage to particular communities and ecosystems does not represent a just transition."

"Similarly, decarbonising energy systems in the Global North while the Global South remains underdeveloped is not a just transition. Rather, the project of advancing a just transition is transformational – moving from a world built around extraction to one built around regeneration and care, and a future where people can thrive in a world that is more just overall."