Fun episodes
Fun episodes
Hi there. I've had 3 terrible days in a row and I'm in desperate need of some good laughs. Which episodes do you recommend? I'm too tired to think straight by now. Bonus points if Neelix is in them. Thanks in advance. :)
Fun episodes
Hi there. I've had 3 terrible days in a row and I'm in desperate need of some good laughs. Which episodes do you recommend? I'm too tired to think straight by now. Bonus points if Neelix is in them. Thanks in advance. :)
Here's one from each show:
TOS: A Piece of the Action, and the more obvious answer The Trouble with Tribbles
TNG: First Contact (the episode, not the movie) had some funny moments, but it's hard to pick a funny TNG episode
DS9: Little Green Men
VOY: Bride of Chaotica!
ENT: Two Days and Two Nights
DIS: – (did they even have a single funny episode?)
PIC: same as DIS
LOW: pretty much any episode, but my favourites are "wej'Duj" and "I, Excretus"
SNW: Charades (probably the funniest out of all the Live-Action episodes I've listed, in terms of outright comedy)
After you watch The Trouble with Tribbles follow it up with DS9 - Trials and Tribble-ations!
+1 for Bride of Chaotica! Also SNW's "Those Old Scientists" is pretty damned good. Oh! and DS9's "Magnificent Ferengi"!
To add for TNG lighthearted and fun episodes
Deja Q
The Royale
The Nth Degree
A matter of Time
The Next Phase
Times Arrow
Sub Rosa (so bad it’s funny)
It's been a while since I've seen TNG and maybe my memory's bad, but the first one that came to mind, Data's Day, seems to be one that nobody's yet listed.
Oh, I forgot about The Nth Degree. That's a good one.
Sub Rosa and Threshold are something else for sure :D
For DS9 I have to add the episode where the nagus is reverted by the prophets to a more charitable form and Quark saves the day by meeting with them and managing to be so obnoxious and abrasive that they agree to turn him back just so they never have to deal with another ferengi ever again!
For DISCO "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" was fun, if not funny. It's also the only episode I willingly rewatch as it's kind of a bottle.
Thank you :)
Can't believe you missed Take Me Out to the Holosuite!
VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy" comes to mind.
Thanks :)
TNG: A Fistful of Datas
VOY: Bride of Chaotica
How about outside Trek... Have you seen The Orville? At least the first season is more laugh than serious. Also Firefly.
"I'll be in my bunk"
Does it still smell like hamster?
Right there with you, friend. Hope things get better for you. Thankfully you'll find no shortage of Star Trek episodes to give you hope for the future.
If it's laughs you're after, I'd just binge some Lower Decks and bust a gut.
Yeah, things will be grand again soonish. This week just had me wrecked and stressed out, which is why I need some laughs and positive vibes. Recharging my personal batteries over the weekend.