thats crazy
thats crazy

thats crazy
Wow, this must be the craziest case of post nut clarity in recorded history.
Biden or Trump? Biden or Trump? Better have a wank....
Trump it is then!
Oh wait, he's a guy, I guess it's just
Talk about blowing a load.
Imagine calling yourself a journalist and publishing this story.
It was the FBI who released this info. You'd kinda think there'd be no need to publicly share this kind of info because it is not relevant and not great for surviving family members.
Yeah, but it's hot goss. What are we gonna do, not talk about it?
Imagine calling yourself a journalist and working for the New York Post.
Imagine seeing this and thinking that it's a meme and should be posted to a meme community
This sounds very much like typical psy ops information to be honest. Trying to paint a picture of someone as a degenerate.
I bet he was looking at some porn the same day, as some people do. Nothing special.
Trying to paint a picture of someone as a degenerate.
They've already said he was a registered Republican
Got em
Hey just as a heads up degenerate has its roots in eugenics
Who doesn't. I'm sure he also consumed bread. (But I fail to see the connection with the case. )
Regardless of how and when I die, there's a pretty good chance of my last search being porn too.
the lesson here is to pray to God for guidance.. and also clear your search history before you die
my search history is just for the phone number of this empanada place over and over again I'm sure that will never come back to haunt me
Didn't Project 2025 say that they wanted to ban porn?
This seems like something they'll use to get leverage on that matter.
"Porn makes you want to shoot down the furher", or something like that.
post nut clarity
He read Project 2025, and found a section he didn't agree with.
He was cum drunk, that's why he couldn't shoot straight, lousy gooner.
He did (at least) one good thing in life, and people feel the need to smear him…
As a thought exercise: if he succeeded, doesn’t that only further incite the right, convince them that they are fighting the holy fight, and accelerate violence against the citizenry?
I don’t like Trump either so I get the feeling behind the message, but I don’t see any universe where a successful assassination attempt is a net positive for the country. Seems like it only furthers division and probably leads to a worse place overall.
Would love to know how I’m wrong though.
If you see the upcoming civil war as inevitable, then triggering it now would mean the government forces are on our side, and with Trump dead you'd get a bunch of different maga factions the government could sweep up quickly. Now when the civil war begins, Trump will be president, maga will be united behind him, and the government forces will be working FOR them.
You assume I would think you’re wrong. I do not.
Morally, assassination is despicable. But so is fascism.
I applaud you for taking the high road, while I just say Fuck ‘em all. Fascism should not be tolerated, even in a democracy.
further incite the right, convince them that they are fighting the holy fight, and accelerate violence against the citizenry?
Literally already happening.
How anyone can think that rolling over and playing dead while fascists stomp their way in to (more) power is a better way to "fight" them, than, I don't know, actually fighting them, is honestly mind blowing.
Check your privilege, the fact that you aren't impacted by their ongoing war, doesn't mean no one else is.
I think I agree, but I'd phrase it a bit differently. The problem in our country isn't division, it's that there's an energetic fascist movement that needs to be stopped. The problem with assassinating Trump is that it gives that movement a martyr and would very much energize them (disorganize them too, since they wouldn't know for sure who to follow anymore, but they've never needed to be too organized to do damage and they could do plenty before succession fueled infighting really started to take a toll).
Killing Trump won't kill his ideas, the only way to do that is to embarrass Trump and Trumpism badly, so I think the best series of events would be a) Trump loses the election, b) prosecutors explain Trump's many crimes in meticulous detail to a series of juries who sentence Trump to years and years behind bars, c) Trump dies of a heart attack while taking a shit in prison.
The fact that the voters already did a) once in 2020 and the system's let us down on b) is deeply frustrating and worth acknowledging for the sake of identifying the country's underlying problems (it's the politicians and lawyers more than it is the voters), but it doesn't change the fact that assassinating Trump is the last thing we want to do at this point.
I feel like somehow this assessment focuses heavily on speculation and ignores a very key fact in that scenario. Trump would no longer be able to be president. And we don't really know what violence they'd commit exactly. I think it's pretty sure there would be violence... But why are you assuming it would be widespread and against innocent people? And again it's like Trump being gone is not even worth mentioning
I've been saying for eight years he'd be more dangerous as a martyr than his stupid alive self.
If I were Hitler-level evil, and wanted minions to carry out my diabolical schemes of murder and mayhem, you'd be exactly the type of person I'd look for to help with such things
It doesn’t require Hitler-level Evil. Just pragmatism.
This is probably the least crazy part of the whole equation. I mean if you're about to go do something that's going to absolutely get you fucking killed, might as well rub one last one out before you go.
I hope his aim was better on his other gun
But what kind, I need details?
No one secured the ladder or the roof or responded to alerts of a gunman on the roof. There’s only two angles where you could shoot the ear without it entering the head, must be a million to one shot… but the real question to ask is…. a teenage boy looking at porn?… that is crazy!
In america a 20 year old looking at porn is crazier that shooting someone in the face. Like obviously he was bullied and naturally he's gonna murder someone at some point. But holy shit, he also looked at porn, what a degenerate
Search for porn? Meaning he didn't already know where to find it?
Idk about you, but most people likely dont have a bookmark to their favorite fetish website. And "google" (bing for those using edge) is the default way to open a website for many.
Never too late for a first time
He had that post nut clarity and he still missed
He didn't want to go out with a loaded gun.
What did he watch?
Post nut buff
Keep in mind this is information provided by the USA, so it's completely untrustworthy. It's possible this happened. It's possible his phone automatically pulled an Instagram update and that's close enough for their spin. And it's possible this is completely fabricated.
You cannot trust them as a source when they need to vilify him.
Ah, the good ol' wisdom wank
I don't want to make fun of dead people, and this guy definitely needed help. However he looks a little like Harry Potter if he never went to Hogwarts
It was big porn all along.
This reminds me of the guy that shot up that supermarket in Buffalo and live-streamed it that had yiff pulled up on his phone at the beginning.
More dumpster fire quality material. Bravo.
Gotta get that post nut clarity to make sure it is you and not the horny feelings leading you to making that decision.