I used to troll my roommate: I have a Multi-Band wireless access point, and I would name other networks stuff to mess with them. They are from Louisiana, and are very proud of their culinary roots. One day, they came back from a trip with the relatives, and brought home some boudin, which I cooked and served with rice. I thought it was sausage, but it's a blend of pork cooked down with onions, peppers, seasonings, AND cooked rice, so serving it with rice was redundant, apparently. They got SO ANGRY, that to this day, I am not allowed to eat it in front of them, so I have been trolling them for "boudin with rice" everywhere I can. When they still lived with me, I changed the "ancillary network names" shit like, "Boudin with rice," and "Mild crawfish with ketchup," and "Campbell's New England Gumbo" and a ton of other culinary "bastardizations" of authentic Louisiana cooking. So every time they were on their laptop, I'd hear a "... Boudin corn dog--OH MY GOD PUNKIE YOU BASTARD!!! AAUGH!!!"
Just around the time of the 2016 election my elderly neighbor was a Trumper. He asked for some help with his WiFi and I told him that I would fix if it I could name it. He didn’t really know what that meant but I got it working and to this day his WiFi broadcast is “Hillary2016”. I think he’s still pissed but no longer my neighbor although I do smile when I drive past the old place. If his children still spoke to him I’m sure they could help change it.
I was on skype with a friend many years back, and he had technical support from said company on speakerphone. When the rep calmly said that I had to walk out of the room for a bit.
I used to call my mobile hotspot virus.exe to prevent strangers trying to connect. Do the same with bluetooth devices that broadcast (like my tv). Neighbors stopped trying to connect after it was called virus.exe
My home one is Chipolte Guest, there are no chipoltes within 10 miles. My travel router is Starbucks Guest for when I stay in hotels. I wonder how many people try to connect to it lol.
I've seen a lot of "Free Wifi" networks that are open to the public with bad encryption. Most likely set up by people who want to spy on where people go and steal their cookies.
FreePorn. Wasn't very creative since it was kind of on the spot. Found a resident with an unsecured Linksys router, so I secured it for them. This was almost 20 years ago so you rarely see them open like that these days.
I remember, in my student flat, my computer gave me this long list of default Wi-Fi names, like u2e98zmq9qzh and whatnot. And in the midst of this random generated nonsense, shone one legible name upon my face: “Clarence sucks dick”
I still wonder if Clarence actually did suck dick, and why this person would name their Wi-Fi that either way.