See This Red Area? This Is Sand
See This Red Area? This Is Sand

See This Red Area? This Is Sand
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I don't know that there's a lot of sand in Kansas.
There's a whole lot of dumbass rednecks though.
Hey now, the KS governor just vetoed some bullshit anti-abortion stuff. Somehow.
But yes, KS is a poster child for letting right-wing idiocy run rampant.
All I know was the last time I was in Kansas City, MO, which was many years ago, the people I was with would yell, get back to Kansas if a car drove by with a Bush Jr. bumper sticker.
Missouri is even more fukt than Kansas, ironically.
Having only ever been to Kansas City and Fulton, I couldn't say. But I did read What's the Matter With Kansas? years ago. I'm sure it hasn't substantially changed since that book came out.
I think it actually has. My understanding is the KS GOP so thoroughly fucked the state that they started to lose support from generational voters.
All the hospitals closed, economics got worse, big agri bought everyone, etc.
But they still run most of the state, so, that’s not saying much.
Any improvement over what's in that book is good.