Growing up with C made me assume semicolons and braces were needed to avoid subtle bugs, but experience with more recent languages showed me that it's possible to reliably parse the same semantic cues that humans use: indentation, parentheses, and other such context. (Perhaps this was less viable when C was invented, due to more constrained hardware.)
I was skeptical at first, but in practice, I have never encountered a bug caused by this approach in Python, Nim, or any other language implementing it consistently, over the course of a decade or two using them. Meanwhile, I have seen more than a few bugs caused by brace and semicolon mistakes.
So nowadays (outside of niche & domain-specific languages) I see braces and semicolons as little more than annoying noise and fuel for religious arguments.
My credo on this kind of thing is never do something that will make your successor so mad that they find out where you live and post parts of your body to Interpol.
Automatically enforced deterministic formatting is the best, there's nothing that beats it. The productivity in just being able to format on save knowing that the code will be in the ideally formatted state, along with the anti-bikeshedding properties of this strategy, makes it unbeatable.
why stop at curly brackets? Do all of them: parentheses, square brackets, angle brackets, and curly brackets. Also, strings should be liberated. Move all non-escaped quote characters to the end of the line too.