It's pretty hilarious for Hamas and Hezbollah to complain their opponents aren't playing fair. And when you remember that Israel is murdering thousands of innocents, who are forced to live in squalor. While these motherfuckers are clutching pearls over some terrorist executives living their best lives abroad.
For the leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas or Iran, Jordan, Egypt, and Syria, etc.. for that matter, the Palestinians are not teammates, they're the ball.
I mean, if all Palestinians are dead, there's finally a country for all of them!
On a serious note, unless we have a very different definition of "cause", they don't fight for the Palestinian cause. They let the Palestinians fight for the cause of Hamas leader - power.
Hamas (just like Bibi) would lose every bit of power the moment there's actual peace. They both need a war, so nobody looks too closely at them and their failings.
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We could not find any instances of the Middle East Monitor failing fact checks, but they do sometimes source to questionable media outlets and hence garner a Mixed factual rating.
So they pass fact checks but have bad sources? Hmmm