This made me realize, talking to people is like forcefully inserting you thoughts into their brain without their consent. People should just stop talking in general IMO.
Somebody message me something along those lines a few weeks ago.
Them: Them can I as a question?
Me: If you must
Anyway, they complained to HR and they had a word with me. Stupid people. If you're going to be an international company and put your IT department in the UK, prepare for snark.
Well, I usually take my time to reply. It's not my fault, when people then need to wait until they cut to the chase. That doesn't bother me. It's their problem.
Sometimes I'll wait for a few minutes to see if they follow up and then respond. Sometimes I just don't respond until they cut to the chase if it's not someone I talk to regularly.
I feel like a lot of people map chat to talking on the phone when it isn't. I've had to tell several staff to just get on with it and not wait for a response before getting into the reason why we are talking. Often times, they think they are being polite even though they are being rude
What if I just want to say hi to start a conversation, and I don't have some ulterior motive? Or perhaps I'm waiting to gauge the other person's mood or something else before asking them something?
What a weird, weird thing for this person to get a stick up their arse about. I'm sure they're really fun to talk to :-/
Yeah but it's work isn't it. It's not bloody social setting.
If you want to talk to me in a social way use the chat that is obviously for that purpose, you can tell because it's full of gifs of the Office and Barbe and the manager isn't in it.
I probably won't respond straight away because it's on mute, I check it, but it's on mute.