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Getting Started with NixOS [Link Dump]

When planning the new infrastructure of my homelab with nixos, I wanted to see how other people approach it / set up their infrastructure repo.

Heads up: Idea is to have one repository with all hosts that keeps all configurations. On the respective hosts you just checkout the repository and rebuild the systems with the flake.

My first attempt when I started:

Some Repos:

Some Blog articles:

Feel free to add more useful links. This is not about nixos by itself but to start planning / configuring the homelab with nixos

  • I'm currently working on a new configuration repo, replacing raft (called otterden), which consists of configurations for my two workstations and two servers that I run at home.

    Benefit is the great selection of packages for nixos, basically making it unnecessary for the most part to run docker container at home and updating these frequently. My new config consists of things like paperless-ngx, jellyfin etc. running on the host directly, maintained by nix.
