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FT Opinion - The EU’s approach to Britain and Brexit needs fixing

https:// /content/d0f920a3-6c77-4f3a-baa2-701ab7151ff6

Archive link for those of us outside the single market.

  • I am British. I live in the UK etcetc

    This reads like a brexiteer wrote it. Why should the EU make concessions for us? We spent decades barely working with the EU, always demanding to have a special relationship. Then this idiotic country decides to leave the union.

    We are much, much smaller than the bloc. They don’t owe us shit. And things will never improve while people still demand we are treated as unique and special.

    Brexiteers liked to think the EU would be losing out if britain left. Instead, they were holding a gun to our head, and pulled the trigger. The country is in tatters and somehow thats still the EUs fault?

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