This happened to me during the movie Species. Mind you, not during any of the Natasha Henstridge boobage, but my dad walked in at the part in the seedy motel where the lady scientist gets on her knees to blow Michael Madsen.
He just got done explaining to Tasha how they tuck, that the back of his outfit is a strap that runs between his shoulder blades and eventually ties to his penis, and that's why its considered rude to bow in their culture.
What the fuck even was that episode, I've only seen portions of it from youtube clips and the occasional TV re-run but I'll never dit and actually watch the episode in full
No, Edo isn't reversed gender roles. They're all about fitness and equality. The men and women act and dress alike.
The Edo were a free-spirited people, extremely welcoming and friendly and very open sexually with themselves and visitors. Edo women greeted men with a deep embrace, and offered themselves sexually to any man who would accept them; Edo men behaved in the same fashion with women. It was customary among the Edo to run from place to place instead of walking.
There was limited variation in Edo clothing, with most members of the species wearing the same type of costumes. However, only the leaders and the mediators wore necklaces including the Edo symbol. The mediators wore a grey and black costume that identified their responsibilities. Edo boys went about shirtless, but girls and adults of both sexes wore tops.