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Young Koreans favor iPhones over Samsung Galaxy: survey Young Koreans favor iPhones over Samsung Galaxy: survey

In South Korea, 69 percent of adult smartphone users use a Samsung device, while only 23 percent use iPhones, a Gallup survey of 1,001 adults found. But the survey reveals a starkly different trend in one demographic: younger millennials and Gen Z. Among the younger generation, aged 18 to 29, iPhone...

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This is a surprising trend.

  • I would like to know how young these Koreans are. If they are working age and paying themselves, then fine. If they are teenagers or students and dad is paying, then is invalid.

    Apple Marketing is formidable. They work hard to maintain a cool brand image and that's why we see this. It doesn't mean iPhone is better, it just means Apple Marketing is working.

    Plus they may be bored with Samsung if that's all they see.

    The Chinese market is more interesting since Android did very well there because there is so much choice. Having said that iPhone is also popular but it's a status thing. Just like in India where if you have status you use an iPhone. This is the reason Apple is expensive, they position themselves as a luxury brand so everyone will aspire to own one.

    Sort of like Toyota Vs Mercedes. Both are good, the Toyota is more reliable and affordable but the status people will buy the Mercedes even though it may be less reliable, more expensive to run and insure. That doesn't make the Merc better.

    • I would like to know how young these Koreans are

      That's the first thing you see when you click on the link

      • Thanks. Just as I thought, it's Gen Z who are easily fooled by marketing and status:

        "In its analysis, the survey credited iPhone's appeal among young people to Apple's premium branding "

  • zoomers dont care about reliability and aren't aware of planned obsolescence. also they r probably not paying for those out of their own pocket so their choice shouldnt matter: only people that vote with their wallet could be considered for their choice.

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