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Logged out

Anyone else getting logged out periodically in the web UI?

I've tried tossing my browser's cookies and site data, without any effect. I'll stay logged in for a bit, then will get asked to log in again.

  • I used to get this all the time in FF but refreshing logged me back in. I tried debugging a little but never made any headway.

    • I'm on Firefox, too. I haven't really given it a try on a Webkit browser, but I could try.

  • Hmm, I haven't noticed this myself. I wonder if it's because we're running 2 copies of the ui container.

    I have seen a bug where lemmy thinks you're logged out until you refresh. I'm pretty sure that's a known lemmy bug though.

    Does it happen if you've got the browser open and session going? Or only on a new browser window?

    Has anyone experienced this on other lemmy instances?

  • All the time, I thought it's Firefox. But I can't find a solution.

    • As above, I'm on Firefox, too. I've been wondering if it's an interaction with uBlock?

  • I think this is just a lemmy bug and not specific to us:

  • I haven't experienced this myself. I use Librewolf and mac OS and never save cookies (I login each time I visit the site). It sounds like a nuisance though, hope you get it fixed!

  • This has been happening for me too lately. Oddly, it only seems to affect one of my devices.

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