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Thread of sources on Uyghur oppression Thread by @thecoleslaws on Thread Reader App

@thecoleslaws: Thread of sources on Uyghurs oppression and concentration camps that cannot, by any sane person at least, be called western propaganda: This continues to be an important piece considering it comes out...…

I haven’t read a lot of these sources myself yet, but the first one at least by the Communist Party of India is worth a read.

  • The discussion around China's treatment of Uygurs is always so unnuanced to me.

    All of the arguments I see read like there are only two options:

    • China is a villain and needs to be stopped.
    • China has not and never will do anything wrong. Your criticisms are orchestrated by the CIA.

    I tend to believe all of the following can be true at the same time:

    • The US is imperialist and the Biden administration is going hard against China
    • China is not a utopia and has a number of areas where they could improve
    • A lot of what the US is pushing in regards to the Uyghurs is filtered through a propaganda machine bent on helping their imperial goals
    • Some of the Uyghurs have made public claims of oppression by China
    • As an anarchist I believe in working toward ending oppression and I stand in solidarity with people's struggles against oppression
    • As an anarchist I would fight against a US imperial attack (militarily, economically, or otherwise) on China
    • As an anarchist in the US pretty much all of my organizing is focused on oppression here and not in other countries
    • My actions in solidarity with the Uyghurs are pretty much saying things like "I hope the Uyghurs find liberation in China, but the US getting involved sure wouldn't help anything"
  • Pretty rich that the very first source the anarchists give here, is "Adam Hunerven", who isn't a real person, but an alias for Darren Byler, who works for the warmongering Kissinger Institute. Why are anarchists not checking to make sure their sources aren't literal employees of the US government?

    More on him in this video.

  • keep in mind, all of these articles are coming from people who spent the last three decades crucifying and slaughtering muslims and black people, millions of them dead, most of them innocent, all of these crimes the nazis are guilty of ten fold and worse. they don't care about muslims, they want a war with china because they turned globalism into a war they can't win.

    they're stupid fucking nazis

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