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Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 26/8/2024

Last weeks thread here

Welcome to this week’s casual kōrero thread!

This post will be pinned in this community so you can always find it, and will stay for about a week until replaced by the next one.

It’s for talking about anything that might not justify a full post. For example:

  • Something interesting that happened to you
  • Something humourous that happened to you
  • Something frustrating that happened to you
  • A quick question
  • A request for recommendations
  • Pictures of your pet
  • A picture of a cloud that kind of looks like an elephant
  • Anything else, there are no rules (except the rule)

So how’s it going?

  • More like fortnightly kōrero because I keep forgetting...

  • My fixed term lease ends in 18 days and my property manager just said that we have to sign for another 12 months and the rent is being increased. This doesn't feel legal, I should have more warning than this as I was under the impression we would move to periodic lease after the fixed term.

    It seems they have to give 60 days notice for a rent increase so I might have that on my side but im really concerned about the fixed term because i dont know if i want to live here for another 12 months.

    I'm gonna spend the next 2 weeks trying to line up some alternative places to live because I dont want to give the landlord the satisfaction of a $25 rent increase. Nah im leaving and you are going to lose that money from having an empty house.

  • Well it finally happened, sliced a chunk out of my thumb using a mandoline last night. Spent almost 4 hours at two different ED’s to get it cauterised and a tetanus shot as it wouldn’t stop bleeding. Now my thumb is wrapped up in a super tight bandage that can’t get wet for 2 days and I have to take antibiotics again.

    Shouldn’t have got cocky with the mandoline 😮‍💨

  • Brain death from work. People who don't understand what I'm doing trying to tell me how to do it.

  • Three more days then I'm on leave till 2nd October.

    • Lucky! Everyone around me is going on leave and I'm just here holding the fort.

      • There's something restful about that too, when you can't do much at work because all the people you need to do it are gone

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