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$16B later, Site C dam flooding begins along Peace River | The Narwhal $16B later, Site C dam flooding begins along Peace River | The Narwhal

Site C floodwaters will consume thousands of hectares of land along the Peace River in B.C. to create a reservoir almost five times the size of Victoria

Another huge hydro dam is being built in British Columbia, on Canada's west coast.

The article describes the coming destruction of farmland and wildlife habitat.

“We have to decarbonize our economy, but it can’t be on the back of flooding more river valleys.”

But as long as the economy grows, more sacrifice zones like this will be made. And if you don't like flooded river valleys, go take a look at tar sands pits or mountaintop removals.

  • The continued cluster fuck of killing the biosphere to save the planet. Hydros not even close to clean, or green and generates heaps of GHG emsisons from rotting veg.

    Clean energy might help deal with emissions, but it does nothing to reverse deforestation, overfishing, soil depletion and mass extinction. A growth-obsessed economy powered by clean energy will still tip us into ecological disaster.” - Jason Hickel
