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What's growing on, Beehaw?

My family is visiting for the week, so I have an extra outlet for all these squashes and zucchini. One of our pumpkins is going haam and I'm excited for those to start ripening.

What's growing on with you all?

  • My raspberry shrub is flowering and seems like it will actually bear some fruit, so yay! I didn't expect it to fruit year one so I'm happy about that :)

    Everything else on the balcony is doing ok. The olive has been loving the hot summer but I'm curious to see how it will do when the weather gets colder in September.

  • My english lavender almost died, but I realized in time that it was getting too much water. It's thinned out some in the center but seems to be growing outwards pretty well and it's blooming again. I'll take it as a win.

    My aloe and haworthia are still going pretty strong! I'll have to take a picture of them sometime. The aloe developed a brown center but is still growing and there are more stalks(?) growing out of the center even, so I think it's okay still?

    My mom recently got a tropical hibiscus that I'm not sure I've mentioned before. I'm not a big fan of it, because it blooms one day and the next day the blooms are on the ground.

  • We had a windstorm last week and one of my tomato trellises snapped, ohhh noooo! The good news is all the vines survived with minor injuries and are on a new trellis.

    I've been getting ground cherries by the handful! Time to make jam....

    We've been getting green beans galore, the peppers are peppering, and the corn continues to corn!

    I'm very happy, as my pumpkin vines decided to grow four new gourds! Hooray! The kabocha I'm growing is also doing great, and has a couple new gourds as well! We won't starve this winter!

    The bad garden news is two out of my five cucumber vines have perished, for no real reason I can tell :(

    • Glad to see your garden still going strong despite the unruly weather! That squash appears to have a good deal of powdery mildew, and I'm curious if the others are dealing with similar conditions. Otoh, I see some of the powder on the mulch surface and wonder if you were treating them with something (perhaps baking soda)

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