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How FLAT2VR Can Revolutionize VR Gaming - VR Tech Tube How FLAT2VR Can Revolutionize VR Gaming - VR Tech Tube

If there is one barrier to VR game development, it’s that it is expensive to make games and the market for VR, whilst growing, is still relatively small. Unfortunately this has led to some publishers being apprehensive about taking risks and instead pour the majority of their resources into less ris...

If there is one barrier to VR game development, it’s that it is expensive to make games and the market for VR, whilst growing, is still relatively small. Unfortunately this has led to some publishers being apprehensive about taking risks and instead pour the majority of their resources into less risky projects.

Flat2VR saw this problem and came up with a clever solution. If it is too risky to develop entire new games for VR why not take old classics and tweak them into working VR games. And surprisingly, they have done an amazing job of it so far, with some of their work putting official devs to shame. What is Flat2VR?

Flat2VR is a new development team that will specialize in porting old classic games over to VR headsets. They are made up of groups of different mod teams that have already brought some amazing games to our headsets. You have probably already tried a few, but here is some of games they have already done amazing VR ports for:

Half Life 2 VR Port
Outer Wilds
Doom 3
Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast

If you have played any of these ports you would know that they almost feel like native VR games, they are pretty much jank free, run fantastically, and all the systems have been adapted to work in VR as well as they can be. The Half Life 2 port in particular almost rivals Half Life Alyx in terms of quality, and Alyx had some of the best VR devs on the planet working on it with a huge budget.