Skip Navigation status update 2023-07-05

Another day, another update.

More troubleshooting was done today. What did we do:

  • Yesterday evening did some SQL troubleshooting with some of the admins. After that, phiresky submitted some PRs to github.
  • created a docker image containing 3PR's: Disable retry queue, Get follower Inbox Fix, Admin Index Fix
  • We started using this image, and saw a big drop in CPU usage and disk load.
  • We saw thousands of errors per minute in the nginx log for old clients trying to access the websockets (which were removed in 0.18), so we added a return 404 in nginx conf for /api/v3/ws.
  • We updated lemmy-ui from RC7 to RC10 which fixed a lot, among which the issue with replying to DMs
  • We found that the many 502-errors were caused by an issue in Lemmy/markdown-it.actix or whatever, causing nginx to temporarily mark an upstream to be dead. As a workaround we can either 1.) Only use 1 container or 2.) set proxy_next_upstream timeout; max_fails=5 in nginx.

Currently we're running with 1 lemmy container, so the 502-errors are completely gone so far, and because of the fixes in the Lemmy code everything seems to be running smooth. If needed we could spin up a second lemmy container using the proxy_next_upstream timeout; max_fails=5 workaround but for now it seems to hold with 1.

Thanks to , ,, , , for their help!

And not to forget, thanks to and for their continuing hard work on Lemmy!

And thank you all for your patience, we'll keep working on it!

Oh, and as bonus, an image (thanks Phiresky!) of the change in bandwidth after implementing the new Lemmy docker image with the PRs.

Edit So as soon as the US folks wake up (hi!) we seem to need the second Lemmy container for performance. So that's now started, and I noticed the proxy_next_upstream timeout setting didn't work (or I didn't set it properly) so I used max_fails=5 for each upstream, that does actually work.

  • Boy does it feel good to have those reports and understand the work you guys do. It's really inspiring! Thanks for your hard work, everything has been silk smooth! This instance is really great, Lemmy and its devs are really amazing and I feel at home in a nice, cozy community.

  • I'm not sure wtf you just said, but feels very smooth today, so thank you for your continued hard work!

  • Even though i'm not from this instance, this is such a nice way of keeping the users posted about changes. I wish more companies (I know this is not a company) went straight to the point, instead of using vague terms like "improved stability, fixed few issues with an update" when things are changed. I hope all instance owners follow this trend.

  • Huge props to everyone working on the project. It's awesome seeing everyone work together and resolving issues so quickly!

  • Gadzooks! These are huge fixes. Compliments to the team, you guys pulled off a small miracle today.

  • Shouldn't the correct HTTP status code for a removed API be 410? 404 indicates the domain wasn't found or doesn't exist, 410 indicates a resource being removed

  • I just love the transparancy you guys are coming forward with. It's absolutely awesome! Thank you for that and for all the work you put in. It means a lot to me that you folks are taking the time to keep us updated. Much love!