30 km/h speed limits coming to James Bay
30 km/h speed limits coming to James Bay
30 km/h speed limits coming to James Bay
Speed limits don’t control how fast drivers go, road design does. If they want to increase safety they should make the roads narrow and curvy while adding bigger sidewalks and bike lanes.
Why not both?
That’s like 18mph. That’s insanely slow unless the place is super dense. It would literally take me hours to cross my city alone at that speed.
It's a dense city but 30kmh is way too slow. For such a left leaning city pretending to care about the environment, this is dumb considering how inefficient it is to drive at that speed
Ridiculously inefficient. My best economy is at 47mph. I get about 20% of my peak below 20mph.
The man, the myth, the legend himself captain slow!
We car, go slow.
Confused Europeen sounds.
Is this in the US? Why is it in Km/h?
Canada. Bc Victoria
That clears it up. Thanks!
It's Canada, they use metric (officially).
Makes sense. Thanks!